shepherded her son before her as she left the room, making sure the door was firmly closed behind her. If the men wanted to talk business they needed privacy.
The rest of the summer passed like a dream for Yannis. His mother mended shirts and darned socks, packing them away in a clean sack as she finished them, alternately telling him to behave whilst he was away from home and how much she would miss him.
The day Yannis was due to leave he examined his neck carefully. The small white lump was still there, as big as his thumbnail, he decided. He pressed it, but it did not hurt, he tried to squeeze it, but no pus came. The doctor was right. It was nothing.
He felt both excited and apprehensive as he kissed his family goodbye. His mother was fighting hard to suppress her tears and the other children seemed tongue-tied. Yannis senior was fidgeting to leave. He would walk to Elounda with Yannis and Yiorgo would meet them there and take Yannis on to Aghios Nikolaos. As Yannis turned back and waved to the little group he felt a lump rise in his throat and tears pricked at the back of his eyelids. He was determined not to cry.
His family disappeared as he and his father rounded the corner. The sun warmed their backs and they walked briskly, quickly covering the few kilometres between the two villages. A boat could be seen slowly tacking towards the quay and they went into the waterfront taverna to await Yiorgo’s arrival. They drank coffee, Yannis being allowed a cup of the hot, sweet, sticky liquid as a sign that he was being treated as an adult. In due course Yiorgo appeared and more coffee was ordered. Yannis began to feel slightly sick and sipped at his glass of water to cleanse his mouth of the cloying effect of the coffee.
At last the men made a move. Yannis kissed his son affectionately on both cheeks and held him tightly for a moment.
‘Do as your mother has told you. Help Yiorgo all you can and look after your cousins. Mind you work hard at school; it’s not many boys who have your opportunity. We’re proud of you, Yannis.’
Yannis was relieved when they reached the port of Aghios Nikolaos. He was not sure if the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach was due to the motion of the boat, nervousness or the two cups of coffee. As they walked along the waterfront men called out a greeting to Yiorgo and stared curiously at Yannis.
‘Makkis called,’ Elena said to Yiorgo after greeting Yannis. ‘Asked if you were planning a fishing trip tonight.’
Yiorgo nodded. ‘It will make up for lost time today.’
Yannis felt guilty. Because of him his uncle had lost a day’s work and had to go out at night. ‘I’m sorry,’ he mumbled.
Yiorgo laughed. ‘What are you sorry for? I often go out at night. The fishing can be better then. When you’ve got your sea-legs I’ll take you with me, it’s very different from the day.’
Annita and Andreas came tumbling through the door and stopped when they saw Yannis.
‘Oh!’ exclaimed Annita. ‘I didn’t think you’d be here yet.’
They sat down beside Yannis at the table and helped themselves to the bread, cheese and olives. Yannis ate steadily, racking his brains for something to say. At last he had an idea.
‘After we’ve eaten would you show me the school again, please, Annita?’
‘If you like,’ she replied. ‘You’ll soon see more than enough of it.’
‘I’d like you to show me round the town again as well. I don’t want to get lost.’
Having helped her mother clear the table she called to Yannis. ‘Come on, then, if you want me to show you round.’
Yannis rose quickly and opened the door for her. Annita looked surprised and went through without a word. She led the way down to the harbour, then up a steep hill and veered to the left. ‘Here we are,’ she announced.
Yannis gazed at the building. ‘It’s so big.’ He was admiring, but his heart was fluttering. On Monday he would have to walk through the doors amongst children he did
M. S. Parker, Cassie Wild