Evanescere: Origins

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Book: Evanescere: Origins Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vanessa Buckingham
did not ease my dry mouth. I could not turn my head away
from the cool chalice. With great difficulty and pain I drank until my eye
fluttered and closed. I must have finally succumbed to death’s cool embrace.
    I could not tell you when
it was that I awoke. It could have been minutes, hours, or days later I did not
know. What I did know was that on some universal plane all time seemed to stop
and slow simultaneously. My eyes continued to flutter and I was in and out of
consciousness. I walked the fine line between life and death. My heart was
slowing. My breathing became more difficult and labored.
    In my unconscious mind, I
remembered the day Jazz was born. She was so tiny and pink. I remembered the
loud cry she gave. I remembered the love that poured out of my heart for her. I
remembered the day Max was born. It was the scariest thing I had ever seen. I
was filled with dread that day. Max was so quiet and blue. He had no heartbeat;
no sign of life. I remembered that wretched cry I gave when the doctors said
there was nothing more they could do for him. As I held him in my arms crying,
I felt a small movement and a soft whimper, that escaped his soft newborn lips.
I could no longer distinguish whether these were my memories or dreams?
    Suddenly I was aware of a
burning pain. I could not tell if I was burning from the inside out or vice
versa. The burning intensified, steadily growing almost like the way I would
imagine a wildfire would spread. My whole body was on fire and I felt
paralyzed. I could not move away from the fire. I needed water to put the fire
out. I remembered hearing that if you are on fire you needed to stop, drop and
roll. Only I could do neither.  
    “Had these monsters set
me on fire?” I thought to myself. Was I still in the unknown place on fire. Had
I only imagined the beautiful angel. I could no longer tell the difference
between life and death, reality and the dreamlike state I found myself in. Unaware
that I was yelling in agony. I did not know how I gathered up the strength to
release that wretched scream. Something was horribly wrong with me and suddenly
I became aware I was definitely on fire. This is hell. I yelled to be
extinguished. I could not move my arms. I could not get up. I was bound to my
    This beautiful angel near
me held me in his arms. He cradled me the way a parent cradles a child to
comfort them. He was repeatedly apologizing to me for the agony I was in. I
screamed again and again. I begged him to end my life. His cool arms did
nothing to ease my burning body. I screamed until I could scream no more.
Suddenly the fire intensified, my chest exploded over and over, and still he
held me. He told me it was almost over and to focus on him.
    I looked at his angelic face,
it was stained red as though he was crying tears of blood. I was confused. Why
would someone be crying blood. I pushed this thought aside Slowly I began to
relax and I withdrew into my mind again. I could still feel the burning of my
body. I felt him begin to clean me up. I heard him say he did not want me to
see myself as I was. He lifted me and changed my clothes in one fluid motion. I
felt the cool satin slide down my body.
    I went rigid when I could
no longer contain the pain. From my chest it finally exploded into the rest of
my body. The fire intensifying slowly and then withdrawing, this must be the
end. I begged this sweet angel of death to grant me mercy and his gentle words
to sooth me could not sooth the burning fire within. I was dying and I wanted
to welcome it, embrace it. But it would not end. I felt my ribs snap back into
place. My throat no longer felt swollen. I could easily move my fingers. I was amazed
they were no longer broken. I opened both of my eyes. They were no longer
swollen shut. I felt a different kind of sensation now. I could feel the room
with every breath I drew. I could smell the scent of old books, The soft down
from somewhere in the room. My senses were overwhelmed. I was
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