XXX - 136 Office Slave

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Book: XXX - 136 Office Slave Read Online Free PDF
Author: J. W. McKenna
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labia to the side to get into the creases. El said nothing, but she began to breathe more heavily. Jack knew she was really becoming aroused now. He could see it in the amount of fluid that was dripping from her slit and collecting on the towel below.
    He shaved carefully. Once the phone rang, and he stopped, pulling away just in time to prevent nicking her. She acted as if she was going to get up, but he held her in place with one hand while he answered the phone.
    Jack could see it was an internal call. “Yes? Oh, yes, Gloria. Yes, her job has been changed. I just decided I needed her in this position.” He winked at El, his head framed between her obscenely splayed legs. She looked away in embarrassment. “Oh, salary? Well, don't worry about that for now. Yes, I'll let you know. Yes, we're working on a memo now."
    He hung up. “Looks like the natives are getting restless. They want an explanation. I wonder if the memo will satisfy them?"
    El just shook her head.
    Jack returned to his work. He was enjoying himself immensely. He shaved her until he was sure he had gotten every stray hair, then wiped her down with the damp towel. “There,” he said, sitting back and admiring his handiwork. “That's how I want to see you from now on."
    "Um, master, may I speak?"
    "Yes, slut."
    "It's hard for me to reach everywhere. But if you enjoy it, I-I would be happy to make myself available to you every day."
    That didn't surprise Jack. He could see she was turned on by the attention. But he didn't want to be working for her, even in this small way. “That could become tiresome, slut. Tell ya what. You got a beauty salon you go to?"
    El paled and shook her head.
    "Really?” Jack seemed nonplused. “I thought every girl had a salon."
    "Well, Ja—I mean, Mr. Sawyer, I have a woman who cuts my hair, but she ... she would never ... I mean..."
    "Hmm, that's too bad. So you need to find a full-service beauty parlor. I wonder if Gloria could help.” He picked up the phone.
    El shot bolt upright. “No sir! That's not necessary. Um ... maybe I can have Bill do it."
    Jack smiled. Somehow, that appealed to him, to have Bill be complicit in his wife's sexual degradation. “Sure, whatever. Just make sure your pussy is shaved clean every day. If I decide I want to do it again, I'll let you know."
    He pushed her back down. She didn't resist. Jack ran his fingers around the now-smooth surface. More fluids dripped from her slit. She squirmed, though she tried to hide it. “I'm going to be checking it every day, so don't disappoint me.” He let his fingertips brush along the edge, gathering some of the clear fluid. He brought it to his mouth and sampled it. It had a sweet, pungent taste.
    He could see her eyes on his face. Her lust was impossible to disguise now. Her hips twitched, her skin seemed to glow. He knew she wanted him and would do anything to have his cock thrusting into her in the next few minutes.
    Perfect, he thought. He checked his watch. Ten o'clock. Just right. The phone rang again. An outside line, this time. El looked pained as he answered it.
    "Jack Sawyer. Oh, yes, Bob. So glad you called!” The call had been prearranged for ten, but El didn't know that. Jack had been trying to land this client for a while now, but had been unable to pry him loose from Michigan Manufacturing. He had invited Bob Orley to stop by today, promising him a “deal he couldn't refuse.” Jack had told him to call him at ten, when he was on his way to the plant.
    "I don't know why I'm coming by, Jack,” Bob said in his ear. “I told you I'm happy with Michigan."
    "Yeah, but I'll bet they don't have the right package of incentives that I've developed,” Jack replied. He noticed that El seemed to become alarmed at the direction this conversation was going. She tried to get up, but he put a hand on her hip, keeping her in position.
    They talked for a few more minutes, then Jack said, “Okay, I'll see you soon,” and hung up.
    "Master, may I
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