XXX - 136 Office Slave

XXX - 136 Office Slave Read Online Free PDF

Book: XXX - 136 Office Slave Read Online Free PDF
Author: J. W. McKenna
Tags: cheggit_book_pack
glistened in the light. Despite her protestations, this seemed to turn her on.
    "Okay,” he told her, putting the belt back into the loops on his pants, “that will do for now. If you are disobedient again, I'll have to give you ten strokes."
    She shook her head wildly, as if she'd never consider such a thing. Jack leaned down and pulled the top from her mouth. The breath exploded from her. “Oh, master! May I speak?"
    "Yes, slut."
    "That really hurt! Please, I'll be good. I promise!"
    "You'd better be."
    She rubbed her ass gingerly and whimpered.
    "Now that that's out of the way, I think it's time we took care of your other problems."
    "Other problems?"
    "Yes.Go bring me the bag you brought from home."
    Her eyes flew open as she realized she'd left it on her desk. She grabbed her top and went to the door, stooping to pick up her skirt. Jack's voice stopped her in her tracks. “I didn't say to get dressed first."
    She froze, the clothes bunched in her hands. “You-you want me to walk out there n-n-naked?” She couldn't believe it.
    She turned and as if on stilts, walked stiff-legged to the door. Jack took the opportunity to open the desk drawer and turn on the main camera. The hallway outside her office was deserted.
    El peered through. Jack could see her face appear on the left side of the screen. She checked the corridor through the glass door. When it seemed safe, she bolted through, snatched up the bag and ran back to the safety of Jack's office. He smiled and carefully shut the drawer.
    "Here it is, master.” She put the bag on his desk and stood back, waiting. Her obedience seemed much improved.
    "Go into my washroom and put on more makeup. I want you to look like a hooker. After you're done, bring me a hot, wet towel and a dry one,” he ordered, opening the bag and handing her the makeup kit. She wiggled her way to the bathroom. Jack grinned at the stripes on her ass. She disappeared inside. It was quiet for several minutes. Then he heard water running. A short time later, she returned. Her face had more rouge and her eyelids were blue. Red lipstick had been slathered on her mouth. He nodded his approval. “That's a good start. It would help if you got some false eyelashes."
    He took the dry towel from her, folded it and lay it right at the edge of his desk. “Here. Back up against this, then lean back until your shoulders hit the blotter."
    Warily, she obeyed. When she was in place, Jack could see she didn't know what to do with her legs. Letting them hang down assuaged her modesty, but the desk rubbed against her welts. Raising her legs and hooking her heels on the edge of the desk eased her pain, but exposed her private parts directly to his leering gaze.
    He watched while she wrestled with the dilemma. Finally, she decided the pain won out over modesty, so she let her heels rest on the desk, splaying her legs wide. Jack nodded in agreement at her decision, then rolled his chair in close. He was sure she could feel his breath on her pussy. It remained wet and slightly open. Her breath was shallow.
    "You didn't do too bad on the top, but you missed a lot down here,” he commented, as if he were talking to a barber about a haircut. She blushed red.
    Jack placed the hot towel on her loins to soften up the hairs. He left it there for several minutes, whistling softly to himself. Once, he reached up and tweaked one of her nipples, causing her to start. He noticed both her nipples swelled.
    He removed the towel, then squirted a good portion of shaving cream into his hand. He carefully spread it above and around her slit, noticing how his touch further excited her. Her clitoris swelled until he could see it poking out from under its hood. He wondered how it would look with a gold ring through the skin above it. He glanced up at her nipples, imagining them with similar gold rings. Nice.
    He took the razor and began to shave her, starting at the bottom and working against the grain. He carefully folded her
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