World War III

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Book: World War III Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heath Jannusch
Tags: Sci-Fi, Dystopia
his wife Betty.
    The F-35 Lightening II was one of the newest, most technologically advanced fighter jets in the United States arsenal, and Fort Worth, Texas was home to twenty of them. The jet was equipped with a right-hand side stick controller and a cockpit speech recognition system. The helmet-mounted display system came with built in sensors that could track and target a nearby aircraft from any orientation, provide the information to the pilot through his helmet and then provide the seeker-head of a missile with the same information, all in a matter of seconds.
    Armed with a four-barrel, 25mm cannon, the jet was a formidable weapon. It was equipped with external hard points, capable of mounting four pylons and two rear wingtip pylons. The pylons were armed with short-range air-to-air missiles, cruise missiles and guided bombs. The jet was also equipped with two internal weapon bays carrying air-to-ground bombs, air-to-air missiles, anti-armor missiles and cluster munitions. When it came to fighter jets, the F-35 was the Brasses’ new favorite but Kye didn’t share their confidence. They’d been experiencing technical difficulties with them from the beginning and he didn’t trust this bird to keep him safe.
    Lt. Col. Williams quickly ascended the steps to his fighter jet and climbed into the cockpit. While the ground crew rushed to ready his ride, he glanced around at the other fighter jets on the tarmac and couldn’t help but grin. For some reason he always became excited and full of adrenaline right before takeoff. Perhaps it was simply the prospect of battle that thrilled him so much.
    From the corner of his eye, he caught movement and turned to look in that direction. To the south he could see a large mushroom shaped plume of smoke rising ominously into the sky. His heart skipped a beat and for a moment he just stared in disbelief. Quickly and silently he began listing the cities to the south, trying to figure out which one had been hit. The answer was suddenly provided when he overheard two of the ground crew talking.
    “Man, I can’t believe they got Houston!”
    Relief washed over Kye, as he realized that San Antonio hadn’t been hit. He was considering America’s enemies, when the order clearing him for takeoff was received over the radio. The canopy lowered and he began to taxi down the runway at the head of his squadron.
    A moment later Kye was in the air. He looked down at the airbase below and watched as the last F-35 launched and assumed its position in formation.
    “Alright boys,” he called out over the radio, “I guess I don’t need to tell ya this is the real deal. Our orders are to head for the Pacific seaboard of California and engage the enemy.”
    “Roger that Raven Claw. Who exactly is the enemy?” asked one of the airmen, call-sign Thumper.
    From high up in the sky, the pilots could now see several more of the dark mushroom clouds. They seemed to be everywhere!
    “I’m not exactly sure,” admitted Kye. “It sounds like there’s a huge armada of warships off the coast, comprised of mostly Russian and Chinese vessels. I’m also hearing chatter that some of the nukes were launched from the Middle East. Could have been Iran, Iraq or maybe even Syria, there’s no way of telling just yet. The reports flooding in over the radio are spotty to say the least, but the bottom line is we’re going to war, and it looks like we’re up against more than just one country!”
    “I’ll bet it’s the Russkies who started it,” stated one of the pilots, call-sign Oddball.
    “Nah, my money’s on the Chinese,” replied another pilot, call-sign Mercury.
    “Stop worrying about who’s behind the attack,” ordered Kye. “I need all of you to stay focused and keep your heads in the game!”
    “Yes sir!” came multiple responses over the radio.
    Joined by several dozen F-16’s and F-22’s the squadron of F-35’s, led by Lt. Col. Williams, headed west at top speed towards the coastline of
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