World War III

World War III Read Online Free PDF

Book: World War III Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heath Jannusch
Tags: Sci-Fi, Dystopia
    “No, not yet,” answered Yuri, “let them rest. It will take a couple of days for the fallout to disperse. Then we will launch our assault.”
    “Yes sir!” replied Sasha, saluting Captain Petrov. Without another word he turned and headed below deck.
    Sasha was concerned but knew better than to question his commanding officer. Captain Petrov was not known for giving explanations and was rumored to have a fierce temper. Sasha had no intention of finding out first hand if the rumors were true.
    Departing the deck, the Lieutenant silently hoped that the Americans wouldn’t be able to fortify their beaches during the chaos caused by the nuclear strike. He remembered all too clearly the immense losses sustained during World War II when allied forces stormed the heavily fortified beaches of Normandy. He stopped briefly at the top of the steps leading from the flight deck to the belly of the ship and glanced back towards the Captain.
    Yuri had a smirk on his face as he scanned the surrounding armada of battleships, destroyers, cruisers and carriers. The cool confidence radiating from the senior officer made Sasha feel a little bit better. Continuing down into the hull of the ship his boot slipped on the wet steps, almost causing him to fall.
    Yuri glanced back and watched Sasha disappear below deck. He could sense the junior officer’s concern over what was happening, but felt secure in the course of action his superiors were taking. The Americans had been dazed and confused ever since millions of their countrymen had vanished in the twinkling of an eye. He knew all too well, that they were in no way prepared, for such an enormous assault.
    He wasn’t sure why his commanders thought the United States had anything to do with what had happened in Israel a few weeks ago. After all, the Americans had been just as severely affected by The Vanishing and the power outage as the rest of the world and lost more people than any other two countries combined. Yet despite their reasoning, Yuri was proud to see his country’s show of force. For such a long time now the United States had been the world’s only super power, not to mention a nation of arrogant bullies. He was of the firm belief that they deserved what was coming. He didn’t like the Americans, or their way of life and was looking forward to changing it, regardless of the excuse being used by his superiors.

Raven Claw
    World War III – Day One
    Fort Worth, Texas
    Lieutenant Colonel Kye Williams, call-sign Raven Claw, lay lounging on his cot reading a mystery novel when screaming sirens broke the silence. He laid there for a moment before moving, listening to the blare of the alarm. He wasn’t aware of any training exercises scheduled for today and as the senior officer in his squadron, he should have been notified in advance.
    At five feet ten inches, Kye was the tallest pilot on base. He’d recently returned from San Antonio where his wife and two daughters lived, having celebrated his 40th birthday with them. The leave of absence had been a short one and Kye wished he was still at home with his family.
    A yawn escaped from his lips as he stretched and rubbed his eyes. It was going to be a long day. Already wearing his jumpsuit, Kye swung his feet to the floor and sat up on his cot. Reaching under the cot, he grabbed his boots and quickly pulled them on. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and snatched his sunglasses from off the end-table beside his cot. He left the book he’d been reading on his pillow and dashed for the door. Turning right he raced down the corridor, as other pilots emerged from their rooms.
    The growing number of aviators scurried through the open hanger and out onto the tarmac, where their fighter jets sat, waiting and ready for action. The smell of engine oil and gasoline filled his nostrils instantly. Kye darted for a jet with a painting of Betty Boop on its side. He’d personally drawn the picture in honor of
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