Wolf's Promise (Caedmon Wolves)

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Book: Wolf's Promise (Caedmon Wolves) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ambrielle Kirk
undressed wound at her side and a wide scrap e down the left side of her arm. She curled into a ball facing away from him and started to cry.
    “I should have killed him,” she whimpered. “God, I should have killed him.”
    Ni ck shrunk back. The woman didn’ t seem to know that he was in the cell. She was talking to herself.
    “Why didn’t I listen to you, Dad? You told me not to go anywhere alone,” the woman continued.
    He didn’t know whether to leave her be or answer her. Her scent wafted toward him. It was a delicate blend of nutmeg and brown sugar . An underlying scent also told him that s he was human.
    “I’m so scared.” She cried some more.
    Nick cleared his throat. “Hello?”
    The woman jumped up like a leopard, scrambled into a corner of the cell, and scream ed. It was a high pitched shrill that should have shattered the glass windows in the room above them.
    “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
    “You’re one of them!” she shouted. “What kind of people are you?”
    He pressed his lips together and ran his tongue across his teeth willing his fan gs to disappear. “No, I’m not.”
    “You better not come near me!”
    He stepped closer. “Sssshh… please. You’ll draw attention.”
    “I’ll kill you!”
    He tried to hold back his amusement. No woman had ever uttered those three little words to him. “I’m locked up in this cell with you. Do you really think I want to harm you?”
    “Just stay right there.” She held up a hand. There was a jagged cut on the palm and her fingers were covered in blood.
    From the scent of it, it was her blood and someone else’s. Someone familiar.
    He wasn’t taking any chances; h e didn’t want his blood added to the equation . “Okay, okay. I’ll stay back.” He took a few steps back.
    The woman hugged her body with her arms in an attempt to cover up. She shivered as well. He figured the combination of fear and cold had taken over her.
    “Here.” He pulled his shirt over his head and offered it to her.
    The woman eyed him like a hawk, her gaze sliding from his face to the shirt he offered. Stepping forward, she snatched it , ran in to her corner , turned her back, and pull ed it over her. She sat down, bringing her knees to her chest with her bloodied hands balled into fists.
    “Don’t be afraid,” he said. Following suit, he moved to the other corner and sat down facing her. He wanted to go over to her and comfort her, but figured that wasn’t the wise thing to do given her threat to kill him.
    “I was attacked. How can I not be afraid?”
    “Of me, I meant. Don’t be afraid of me.”
    She looked up to level her stare at him. “I don’t trust you.”
    Her lips were pursed in fury. They were a perfect set of lips. Rosy in color and plump and sexy. Her feral gaze nearly hypnotized him.
    He shook his head. “That’s okay. I’m a stranger. I know.” He studied her. Even in her state of stress, she was clearly a very beautiful woman. “My name is Nick.”
    “Why are you locked up?”
    “I was captured, and brought her e .”
    She returned an ambiguous stare. “Me too. They brought me here and will not let me go.”
    “How long have you been here?” He had no idea that Darius kept human servants nowadays.
    “ I was traveling to visit a friend when I swerved to miss an animal in the road. My car crashed off th e main highway. I must have blacked out. Next thing I kno w, I wake up on a cot with Mr. Mangled Face staring down at me. It’s been a day or two, maybe.”
    “Mr. Mangled Face?” His gaze dropped to her bloodied fists. “What happened to your hands ?”
    “I stabbed Scarface.”
    “Scarface?” Who were these people she was talking about?
    “He attacked me. They called him Darius. He had the ugly , mangled scars on his face. ”
    Nick ground his teeth. The nerve of him to attack an innocent woman. “Are you alright?”
    “I can help.”
    Her eyes filled with tears, but she managed to shed not one of them.
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