logic. Simply because it isn’t fully understood doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Magic is effective in causing manifestations of needed change.
This isn’t self-deception. Correctly performed magic works, and no amount of explaining away alters this fact.
Here’s a description of a typical candle ritual. I’ll use myself as an example. Say I need to pay a hundred-dollar phone bill but don’t have the money.My magical goal: the means to pay the bill.
I decide to use a ritual to help focus my concentration and visualization (See chapter 11, “Exercises and Magical Techniques”). Checking my magical supplies, I discover that I have green candles, patchouli oil, a good selection of money-drawing herbs, parchment paper, and green ink.
At my altar, I light the candles representing the Goddess and the God while silently invoking their presence. Next, I ignite a charcoal block and sprinkle cinnamon and sage onto the block as a magical prosperity incense.
I draw a picture of the phone bill on the paper, clearly marking the amount in numerals. While drawing, I visualize that the paper is no longer just a piece of paper; it is the bill itself.
Then I sketch a square around the bill, symbolizing my control over it, and mark a large “x” through it, effectively canceling out its existence (as will occur when it is paid).
I now start to visualize the bill being paid in full. I might write this over the picture, making it appear to have been stamped with these words. I visualize myself looking in my checkbook, seeing that the balance will cover the check, and then writing the check itself.
Next, I rub a green candle with patchouli oil, from each end to the middle, while saying something like the following:
I call upon the powers of the Mother Goddess and the Father God;
I call upon the forces of the earth, air, fire and water;
I call upon the sun, moon and stars
to bring me the funds to pay this bill.
Still visualizing, I place the candle in the holder directly over the picture of the bill. I sprinkle herbs around the candle’s base, stating (and visualizing) that each is lending its energy toward my goal:
Sage, herb of Jupiter, send your powers to my spell.
Cinnamon, herb of the sun, send your powers to my spell.
Once this is done, still visualizing my bill as paid in full, I light the candle and, as its flame shines, release the energy I’ve built up into the picture.
I let the candle burn for ten, fifteen minutes, or longer, depending on my ability to retain the visualization. I see the candle absorbing the energy I’ve put into the picture. I see the herbs streaming their energies into the candle flame, and the combined energies of the herbs, candle, patchouli oil, and picture—coupled with my personal power—pouring from the flame and out to bring my magical goal toward manifestation.
When I can do no more, I remove the picture, light it in the candle, hold it as it burns for a few seconds, and then throw it into the small cauldron that sits beside my altar.
Finished, I allow the candle to burn itself out, knowing that the ritual will take effect.
Within a day or two, perhaps a week, I’ll either receive unexpected (or delayed) money, or will satisfy other financial obligations in a manner that frees me to pay the bill.
How does it work? From the time I decide to do an act of magic, I’m doing it. Thinking about it sets personal power into motion. Throughout the whole process—gathering supplies, drawing the bill, lighting the candle, visualizing—I’m rousing and infusing personal power with my magical need. During the rite itself, I release this power into the candle. When I finally burn the picture, the last of these energies are released and free, set to work to arrange for me to pay the bill.
I may not be able to tell you exactly how magic works, only that it does work. Fortunately, we don’t have to know this; all we must know is how to make it work.
I’m no expert in