While the Savage Sleeps

While the Savage Sleeps Read Online Free PDF

Book: While the Savage Sleeps Read Online Free PDF
Author: Andrew E. Kaufman
Tags: Speculative Fiction Suspense
settled into the chair opposite him, arms folded, waiting for his boss’s response.
    Frank picked it up, opened it to the bookmark, then gave it a fleeting once-over. He looked up at Cameron. “ The Hunted Soul ?”
    “ It’s a poem by Virgil Morrison.”
    “ Never figured you for a poetry buff.”
    “ I’m not. Look closer.”
    Frank glanced over the words, then quickly up at Cameron. “It’s what Ryan had on the computer.”
    Cameron nodded with something half-resembling a smile. “Word for word.”
    Frank looked down at the book again. “It’s about somebody huntin’ a deer.”
    “ And Alma was field-dressed,” Cameron said, “just like a deer.”
    Frank rubbed his cheek with his hand as if someone had just slapped it. “What’s going on around here?”
    “ I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Cameron said. “The kid ‘fessed up.”
    “ Not exactly a confession,” Frank corrected, “but a start.”
    “ Frank, it went on for pages—over and over—the same damned passage. You don’t think it’s a confession?”
    “ No. ‘I killed Alma Gutierrez’ … that would be a confession. This is just evidence.” He slammed the book shut. “By itself, it wouldn’t hold up in a courtroom.”
    “ Confession or not,” Cameron said, “nobody’s getting any sleep at night knowing Ryan’s on the loose.”
    “ Can’t say I blame ‘em.”
    “ Similarities and differences,” Cameron suddenly said, thinking aloud.
    “ Huh?”
    “ The two murders: different weapons, different methods, but they still look a lot alike. Both bodies raised in the air, both hung upside down, both mutilated.”
    “ But that’s where the similarities end,” Frank pointed out.
    “ True, but it’s enough to make you wonder.”
    “ Wonder what ? We’re not going back to a serial killer theory again, are we? ‘Cause if that’s the case, then we’ve got about the youngest one I’ve ever heard of.”
    Cameron shuddered. “I’d hate to think so, but it sure would explain things.”
    “ Look, I can see the kid overpowering the teacher—she was tiny—but a deputy? One that’s six-foot-two?”
    Cameron stood up and began pacing. He stared down at the floor, nervously running his fingers through his hair as he spoke. “I’ve been thinking about that. Theoretically, he could have pulled it off, if he did it right.”
    “ And how would that work?”
    Cameron stopped and looked directly at Frank. “Bradley went for gas before he was killed. Sam Parkins over at the gas station confirmed it.”
    “ Okay,” said Frank, gesturing for Cameron to continue.
    “ The evidence shows Bradley was probably attacked from behind with the hooks, right?” He didn’t wait for Frank to respond. “So say the Churchill kid sneaks into the car at the gas station and hides in the back seat while Bradley goes to take a leak, or leaves the car for … whatever.”
    “ Go on …”
    “ It’s no secret the road next to Saddleback is where the deputies go to take their naps. Heck, they’ve been doing that for years. And we know Witherspoon was pulling a double. He probably went there after the gas station to catch a few winks.”
    “ So the kid attacks him while he’s sleeping,” Frank said, slowly nodding.
    “ Yep. Never got to put up a fight. Never even had the chance.”
    “ But here’s where you lose me. How’d the perp manage to nail him from the back of a squad car? How’d he get past the barrier cage between them?”
    “ Didn’t have one,” Cameron replied. “His vehicle broke down while he was working the earlier shift. He took the new car. The cage hadn’t been installed yet—they were still waiting on parts.”
    “ Not the safest move … or the smartest,” Frank said.
    Cameron shrugged. “Had no choice. There were no other vehicles around.”
    Frank reflected for a moment. “Think someone knew that? Maybe even planned it?”
    Cameron shook his head. “Doubtful. Witherspoon’s car had a rusted cylinder.
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