intense, unspoken questions. Surprisingly, it was not at all uncomfortable.
“Luella.” God! The way he said my name, his voice deep. “Why did you run away?”
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to figure out how to express the panic I felt at that moment. When I opened them, they connected with his. The mood changed so quickly. Our comfortable intensity morphed into a seriousness that showed how bothered he felt by my departure. In an almost whisper, I admitted, “I’ve never done anything like that before.”
Understanding crossed his features. He took a step closer and raised his other hand to brush the hair away from my face. The noisy hum from the refrigerator, the people milling about the store, the clinking of glass bottles... it all fell away as I stood in our own little bubble. What was it with this man that took control of me?
“Would you believe me if I told you I have never done anything like that before?”
“I can tell you that I would like to believe you.” Even if I don’t. I wasn’t really sure yet.
When I stepped back, he released me from his grip. “Well how about this? We purchase our beverages and I take you out to eat. Have you eaten yet?” I shook my head no. “Good. Let’s get dinner and we can get to know each other better because, Luella,” he paused and leaned down to grab his beer, waiting for me to look at him again, “I can tell you I want to get to know you so much more. And I would like for you to know me well enough to believe me.”
I bit my bottom lip and hesitated for a second. So many pros and cons fought for dominance through my mind and I was sure he could see the trepidation on my face, but in the end, I wanted this and I hadn’t taken nearly enough opportunities for myself lately. I nodded and softly responded, “Okay.” And then, a little more loudly, “Sure.”
“Great! Do you like the brewery in Fountain Square?” I nodded. “Okay, then. Let’s make our purchases and then I can drive us.”
“Oh, well I need to take my car home first. Would you mind picking me up there?” As soon as the words left my mouth I second-guessed them. If he picked me up from home, then he would know where I lived. What if he turned out to be crazy? What if I went missing because he was crazy and knew where I lived?
“Sure, I’ll follow you home.”
Shaking myself out of that line of thought, I headed toward the check-out. I’d been watching the news too much lately when I couldn’t sleep. They had found Angela Clemmons’ body earlier that week, left outside one of the many abandoned factories in downtown Cincinnati. Not much information was given on the case, but so far no suspects were named and the rumors about the body were not that of a fairy tale. My stomach lurched at the thought of all the possibilities.
“I’ll follow you home. I’m in the black truck.” Jack pulled me out of dark thoughts as I headed to my car and left for home. I could drive myself crazy always looking at everyone as though they were a killer, wondering if they were looking at me to be their next victim. I tried not to let my fear of being a single woman alone rule me, but I did respect that fear enough to make smart decision. Even though I didn’t know much about Jack, other than how I felt powerful and aroused around him, I did know that I felt safe knowing it was his headlights that shined in my rearview mirror. I went with that feeling over all else.
Chapter Five
I Lived - OneRepublic
A fter pulling into my driveway , I grabbed my case of wine from the passenger seat and waved to Jack to wait when he began to exit his car. Though I felt strangely safe around him, I wasn’t stupid enough to let him in my house alone until I knew him better. Jameson taught me self-defense but I tried not to put myself in situations where it might be needed. I mean, other than the time I had sex with a stranger in a bathroom at a club.
Other than those times.
Checking myself in