When I Forget You

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Book: When I Forget You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Courtney Noel
always curious and butting into people’s privacy. It drives me crazy.
                  I roll my eyes, then get up, and walk into the kitchen without looking back.
                  Too bad I hear him following me. “Becc, eating food does not make you fat.”
                  “Oh, yeah, then fat people are just fat because of nothing.”
                  “Look. Becc, if you eat constantly, non-stop, then you get fat, but hon, I think it would be practically impossible for you to get fat. You’re an athlete, for one, and you have the most perfect body to top it off. I don’t want to hear ANYTHING related to the sentence ‘I’m getting fat,’ come out of your mouth, Becc.”
                  I just stare at him in awe. My brain goes blank and my knees turn to jello. Basically the only thing I caught was “perfect body.” I know he can tell I’m totally going blank so all he does is come over to me, squeeze my hand that is resting on the kitchen counter, then heads back upstairs with a piece of tortilla in his mouth.
                  What just...what...what did...oh gosh I’m losing it. What did he say, again?

Chapter 4 : Healing -->
                  So I made it through my first night with Kade in the room across from me without tons of mishaps, so that’s good. Although, I still can’t figure out what he meant about the getting fat situation. I mean, he’s a guy; he’s not supposed to be that deep. No guy is that sensitive. It’s fuckin’ weird. All guys just punch each other and that’s their apology. NO guy ever, ever, EVER says the words “I’m sorry.” NEVER. Not once in their lives will they admit they’re wrong and then say they are sorry. That’s just not in their vocabulary. No guy is that sensitive unless they are gay. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against gay men. I think they are the bravest people out there. Guys just don’t get sensitive. Yes, I am stereotyping. But it’s a fucking true stereotype. And don’t say your boyfriend is sensitive, because that is bullshit. “Oh don’t worry, my boyfriend totally understands me.” Oh my gosh that’s such bull shit, and if you think it isn’t, you will never have success with a guy. Boys can be sweet and everything, but never think they don’t talk about how big your tits are with their guy friends. They do. And if you think they don’t, you’re fuckin’ crazy. Okay. Sorry for ranting. Whatever, I’m just going to shrug sensitive bullshit Kade off my shoulders.
                  So anyways, today my best friend, Chasity, is coming over, and I’m super excited. We’ve been best friends since fourth-grade. She’s my other half and is the most amazing person I have ever met. She’s has the worst dry humor that always and makes me crack up but other people think it’s just weird. Whatever, I don’t care. She’s my best friend. We are probably just going to hang around the house, jump on my trampoline, or maybe watch a couple movies. We’re the total opposite in when it comes to taste of in movies. I love romantic comedies and drama and she could punch herself in the face while watching some crap like that. She loves horror movies, but I promise I will pee myself if I watch one. So we usually settle on comedies.
                  The real reason Chasity is coming over though, is to gaze and drool over Kade while I gag. Believe it or not, the sensitive dick living upstairs is the hottest guy in our senior class. Yes, that’s an oxymoron. That is the only thing English class has taught me.
                  Now don’t go all, “Wow, so he’s the hottest guy? They are obviously going to fall in love.” Yeah, creepy how I know what you’re thinking, right? Anyways, see In my opinion the hottest guy in the senior class would probably be Steven Smith. He has blonde hair, green eyes, and a kick ass tan. Like the total
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