Her hair was shining in the sunlight
amplified by the snow, and her smile a radiant white. I couldn’t help but
admire her beauty. Time stopped for a split second as I soaked it all in.
“How long has it been?” I
asked, as I went to give her a hug.
“Well. It would have been
a couple of months or so, I can’t believe you even remember me!” She said as we
“How could I forget such a
beautiful face? Also falling on your ass right in front of me is pretty
memorable.” I replied, grinning at her the whole time.
“Ha! Well aren’t you the
smooth talker. That was so embarrassing, but I’m glad you were there to help me
up!” She said, returning my smile and pointing up the hill, “I’m here on
holiday with my two girlfriends up there. Sally and Jane. What about you? Have
you found somewhere to settle in or are you still traveling?” She asked.
“I’m actually living in
Banff. It’s a beautiful part of the world and I’ve met some very cool people.”
I started, “So far I’m loving it, and this snow is just too much to pass up.” I
“I completely understand!
Snow can be so beautiful and these mountains are breathtaking.” Amanda
remarked, as she emphasized with her hand in a sweeping motion taking in the
“Absolutely agree with
you. It was love at first sight! I haven’t felt this good in years. Who would
have thought this traveling stuff would be so amazing? It only took me twenty
seven years to do any of it!” I said, my smile still plastered on my face.
“Oh definitely. I’ve only
recently started traveling too, and I can’t get enough of it. There’s so much
in the world out there to discover.” Her voice was full of passion, “While
we’re young we may as well go and see it right?” She said. Nodding my agreement,
I watched as Amanda’s friends approached from the top of the beginner hill.
“Are you staying in town?”
I asked, after a moment of silence.
“Yes. We’re sharing a
place for a week.” She replied.
“Fantastic. Would you like
to catch up for some drinks sometime? Bring along your girlfriends, and I’ll
bring a couple of my friends along and we can make an evening of it if you’d
like.” I said, hoping she would agree.
“That would be great I’d
like that. I’ll talk to the girls about it but I’m sure they would be up for
it.” She said.
“Do you have a phone
number that works here so I can get in touch with you?” I asked hurriedly.
“Sure do!” She replied.
After reading off her number we said our goodbyes and went to finish the
Heading back up the hill I
joined Chris and Brad. “Well that was interesting.” I said, puffing from the
exertion of walking through the snow.
“What was that about?”
Brad asked slowly, drawing his head closer to mine to look me in the eye.
“An old friend.” I replied
with a wink.
“Suspicious!” Brad yelled,
throwing his hands in the air.
“I’ll tell you later.
Let’s finish up here first.” I said, as I held my hands up defensively.
“You better!” He said, leaning
forward he pushed me over into the snow. “Or else!” He added with a laugh and
kicked off away from me.
Chris watched and shook
his head slowly, “Children.” He said, with a fond smile creasing his lips.
Shaking myself free of
snow, we continued our efforts of trying to get down the hill. We inevitably
fell over a few more times, but it was worth it. I was having a hell of a lot
of fun and I couldn’t wipe my newfound smile off of my face. Haley called
everyone together at the end to discuss today’s lesson.
“Hopefully everyone was
able to learn some new things today, and had fun in the process.” She started,
“If you’re interested in a follow up class I’d recommend having a chat to the
folks at the ticketing area and they can organize that for you. Snowboarding is
easy once you know how. It’s just the learning phase that can be quite tricky.”
She said with a smile,
Jennifer Richard Jacobson