Waiting for Jo
lived in Mexico for a time. Last I heard, he was living out
    “Jo, I have two things to say to you. Number
one: I’m not talking about marrying this guy. I’m talking about
having a little fun with him. Number two: It’s time to get the fuck
over James. He hasn’t even contacted you since you broke up. It’s
over. Time to move on! Jesus Christ!”
    It’s actually kind of funny to see Harley get
so worked up. Most people wouldn’t guess that such a sweet looking,
103-pound girl could be so feisty. Whenever she gets like this and
“tells me how it is,” I think of Shakespeare's line: Though she be
but little, she is fierce. It’s just one of the many things that I
love about her.
    “Actually, James and I met up the night that
Will spilled the wine on me. That’s why I was at the Alcove.”
    “Holy shit! Are you serious? What did he
    I frown. “He didn’t want what I was hoping he
    Harley listens intently as I recount to her
details of our meeting.
    “Whoa,” Harley says. “Are you going to take
the job?”
    “My heart is saying YES! But I totally
realize that this could be a disaster waiting to happen. On the one
hand, I feel like this could be my opportunity to get close to him
again. On the other hand, I could end up having my heart broken
again and find myself having to look for another job.”
    “Take the job,” says Harley,
matter-of-factly. “He wouldn’t ask you to come work for him if he
didn’t still have feelings for you.”
    “He did act really jealous at the Alcove
during our meeting. He thought that Will was checking me out. I got
annoyed with him, but it did give me hope. It made me feel like he
still cares.”
    “Well, you should definitely take the job
then. This could be your last opportunity with him. If it works out
and you two get back together, then great. If not, well you’re no
worse off than you are now. You’re talented and smart and you can
always find another job.”
    I’m silent for a few moments as I think about
it. Harley has a good point. There are a number of pros to taking
the job, more money, more interesting work, more time with James,
and the possible cons aren’t so serious that I couldn’t recover
from them. And if I don’t take the job and miss out on this
opportunity to be with James, I could end up regretting it. I think
I know what I’m going to do, but I might take one more night to
sleep on it.
    Harley and I move to the kitchen and cook a
delicious, eclectic dinner. I make pork pasties and she makes bul
gogi and sticky rice. We spend the rest of the evening drinking
margaritas and laughing. I feel happy. I’m hopeful that things can
work out with James, and spending time with Harley has made me
forget my other problems.

    Chapter 5

    I find myself wide awake at 2:15 a.m. My mind
is occupied with thoughts of James, and I let myself do something
that I haven’t done in months -- I purposely recall the memory of
the first night that he and I spent together. The whole evening had
been almost perfect. It was an unusually cold evening for October,
so we had the back patio of the Alcove to ourselves. James had the
foresight to bring firewood to burn in the large brick fireplace
situated in the corner. We bundled up in hats and gloves, and I
wrapped myself in a chenille blanket. James told funny stories
about his huge, eccentric family, and I told him about all of the
crazy things my best friend Harley has done throughout the years.
We sat out there laughing and drinking for hours. At that time, I
never would have guessed that he was going to break up with me in a
matter of months.
    That night, James asked me to come home with
him, and I happily said yes.
    “Very impressive!” I said as we entered the
doors of his downtown loft building. The lobby had an open layout
with 18’ high ceilings with exposed ductwork and original wood
beams throughout.
    “Thanks. This building used to house a hat
manufacturing company
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