Starson was in here sitting with you.”
Venture exclaimed with his eyes, Dasher Starson was sitting with me?
“Right here. Right where I am now. He told me how hard you fought him. About that crazy round-kick to the head.” Earnest laughed and Venture tried to smile. “Your strength is grappling. You never throw high kicks, and he’s that much taller than you.” Earnest gestured with his hands. “I don’t know what you were thinking.”
“He’s a better grappler than me. Had to try something.”
“He’s a better everything than you. But anyway, you impressed him. He said you were pretty beat up to start with, but too stubborn to quit, no matter what he did to you. Said you made him pound you pretty hard, but still, you should’ve been okay. Then he stepped out to get a drink and some ice for you, since Parker and Fisher weren’t taking care of it. When he came back in, there were both of them, whaling on you like you were some kind of punching bag, and there you were, unconscious again.”
Earnest looked ready to lunge out of his chair even now and take them on. His hands formed tense fists and his dark eyes narrowed as he continued. “They had to sew up the back of your head. Starson said he threw Parker clear across the room when he pulled him off you.”
Venture would have groaned if he didn’t know how much it would hurt his ribs. This was sure to remind Justice of his fears for Venture’s safety and his concerns about him, as a bondsman, daring to be a fighter. He’d worked so hard to get here, to pursue his dream to become what he believed he—and his father before him—was meant to be. A great fighter. A champion. If Justice revoked his permission, those bastards wouldn’t have just cracked his skull and busted his ribs, they’d have crushed his hope of having a shot to prove himself in the arena, an opportunity for a life unlimited by class, a chance for a life with Jade.
“Then Starson and Fisher went at it,” Earnest said. “He threatened to call the lawmen if Fisher didn’t hurry up and go wake up a healer. As soon as the healer got there to take care of you, Starson started writing letters to the Fighting Commission.”
“No way.”
“Oh, yeah. Fisher’s been removed from his position already.”
“The other guys?”
“From Beamer’s? Lance and Nick are on their way to Warrior’s Way. Starson helped them out with carriage fare. He’s a good guy, and he must like you. He’s been popping in to check on you every chance he gets.”
“Probably just feels sorry for me.” Venture cringed in pain with every syllable. “What am I going to do? Justice—”
“Don’t worry about that right now. I’ve got to go get the healer now that you’re more awake so he can figure out how bad you’re messed up. Then you need to rest. But,” he said with a grin, “not before I help you change into some of my clothes. Yours smell like something died in them.”
Venture tried to sit up against the pillow Earnest had propped up for him. It hurt, but he was tired of lying down. He and Earnest were alone, but for Dasher Starson crashed out on the unused sick bed across the room. Starson had a falling out with the center’s coaches over the whole incident, and refused to go to training or to sleep in the dormitory.
Two more days had passed, and talking and breathing were still painful for Venture, but not unbearable. He’d spent most of his time sleeping, due to the intoxicating syrup the healer had given him for the pain. He’d asked to have the dose cut in half, and now he was feeling sober and ready to talk.
“How’s Beamer doing without us?” he asked.
“He misses you guys. He always does when a good group of boys leaves, but you guys—he really liked you. He’s not going to be happy about this. But the latest news from home is that Grover Wisecarver’s brilliant legislation isn’t going to go up for vote after all. Those petitions did the
Jason Padgett, Maureen Ann Seaberg