Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2)

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Book: Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anna Hackett
him information on Phnom Kulen and the mountain’s jungles. “We’ll need camping gear as well.”
    “When do you think we can leave?” Dr. Oakley asked. “We’re eager to get started.”
    “Tomorrow morning.”
    Oakley’s brows rose to his hairline. “So soon?”
    Cal smiled. “We have a very good team at Treasure Hunter Security. Let me get to work, and I’ll have everything arranged.”
    “Very good,” Dr. Oakley said. “Now I know why you came so highly recommended. We’ve arranged a dinner tonight to celebrate the beginning of our expedition.”
    “I’ll need to get my work finished first, but dinner sounds great.”
    When Oakley lifted his glass of wine, Cal lifted his beer and they clinked them together.
    “To a good expedition,” Dr. Oakley said.
    The rest of the team traded clinks. Cal stood and moved over to where Dani stood alone by the bar, sipping what looked like a gin and tonic. He lifted his bottle.
    She let her glass touch his. “In their eagerness, they forgot to mention that Phnom Kulen was used by the Khmer Rouge in the seventies, as their final stronghold. Parts of the mountain are riddled with old landmines.”
    “Nothing I can’t handle.”
    “Well, to a successful trip, then,” she said.
    “These days, I’m just happy when no one is shooting at me.”
    “I’ll be shooting you,” she muttered. Then the corners of her lips quirked into a smile. “With my camera.”
    “A camera I can handle.” He leaned his elbows on the bar. “But it always pays to be prepared for the worst.”

Chapter Three
    Dani zoomed in on Cal’s face and hit the shutter button. She’d call this one smart toughness .
    Behind her, she heard the tinkle of Gemma’s laugh, and cutlery hitting plates. The team had shared a meal in a private dining room off the hotel’s restaurant. The others were still picking at the delicious local foods, but Cal had eaten quickly and gone back to work.
    He was currently standing at a long table pushed up against one wall, looking for all the world like he was planning for war.
    A map covered the table, and he was leaning over it, his sleeves rolled up and showing off his muscular arms. He was jotting down notes on a paper pad, and a tough-looking tablet was propped up against some books. Dani snapped another shot. She’d already pegged him as tough. Treasure Hunter Security had a reputation for it.
    But as he frowned, tapping the pen against the map, she realized she hadn’t expected the sharp intelligence she saw on his face.
    “You sure we’ll be ready to leave tomorrow?” she asked.
    He looked up. “That’s the plan. You want to get out there, right?”
    “Oh, yes.” There . That look on his face. She had to capture it. She lifted her camera again.
    He shot her an irritated look.
    “You have a face the camera likes. A rugged sort of handsome.”
    “You think I’m handsome?” A smile flirted around his lips.
    “I’m stating that in a purely factual way. And I’m pretty sure you know exactly what you look like.”
    “How’s the planning going?” A voice interrupted their conversation.
    They both turned as Dr. Oakley appeared.
    “Great,” Cal said. “I’ve got our route mapped out, local guides organized, and I’m just waiting for a call from my office in Denver to confirm the last details. But we’ll be ready to go in the morning.”
    The excited look on Dr. Oakley’s face had Dani turning her camera his way. She zoomed in on his face and clicked.
    Then she swiveled to Cal and took a shot of the answering smile on his face. He scowled at her again.
    Suddenly, the tablet on the table flared to life. A woman with dark hair in a sleek bob and blue-gray eyes appeared. “Hi, Cal.”
    “D, my love. How’s Denver?”
    “Fabulous. You’d know if you spent any time here.”
    “You keep sending me on jobs.”
    The woman was beautiful. Black hair, pretty face, a crisp shirt that matched the color of her eyes.
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