Unseen (The Heights, Vol. 1)
bound by their promises like the fae were, but she
wanted it anyway.
    “I need you to mean it. Promise you won’t
drink me to death if I try to help you.”
    “I believe I already did. Although, I would
imagine the silver you have strapped me down with inspires more
confidence than words.”
    She gnawed on her lip and considered how deep
in this hole she already was. He was right—silver was stronger than
a promise at this point. She picked up the glass and prepped
herself to get closer. “I swear to God, if you do anything,
    “What would you do? Stake me? Again? Let us
be clear—swearing to God does nothing for my kind. Because He does nothing for my kind.” His eyes fluttered open,
revealing the most beautiful blue irises she’d ever seen, even on a
super. The kind of color that’s impossible to look away from:
divine, unearthly, only found in dreams and mirages.
    She blinked, knowing eyes like that could
bind, hypnotize, make you believe whatever they wanted you to.
“Close your eyes.”
    “Are you always so demanding? Or just with
those you have bound to your bed?” His gaze danced from her face to
her body, his face still expressionless, his voice tinged with
sarcasm and distaste.
    “Close your eyes.”
    “As you wish.” He lowered his lids slowly,
letting her know that while she may think she was in control of the
situation, she wasn’t. As if she needed the reminder.
    “Can you lift your head?” She knelt down with
the glass in one hand and the stake in the other.
    The muscles in his neck tightened momentarily
and a wrinkle appeared between his eyes, but nothing moved. Then,
every line disappeared as if they’d never existed.
    “There is your proof,” he said grumpily. “I
believe having power over my appendages would be necessary for me
to ‘suck you dry.’”
    She blew out a breath. “I could’ve killed
you, but I didn’t. Remember that.” She put the stake down on the
nightstand and slipped her hand under his head to raise it
    As she leaned forward, he inhaled deeply.
“Your scent is…different.”
    She glanced at the stake, trying to judge how
fast she could get to it. “You’re probably smelling the garbage
heap you were dumped in.”
    “No, it is you, and it is…pleasing.” His
voice was still groggy, almost as if he wasn’t fully awake. Or as
if he knew how frail her bravery was and how easy it would be to
knock it down. “Are you a witch?”
    “I’m human.” Just more cursed than the
    He scoffed. “That is impossible. Humans do
not smell like you do.”
    “I’m human. Hu-man.”
    “Do you truly believe that if you say it
enough times, it will become true?”
    “Just drink the yuck before I change my
mind,” she grumbled.
    As the steak juice poured into his mouth, she
stared at his canines, waiting for them to elongate. She should’ve
held the stake between her teeth. Not because it would’ve done
anything to keep her safe, but at least it would make her look a
little more badass.
    After one swallow, he twitched and then
gagged, his eyes flashing wide. She dropped his head and backed
    “What is that?” he asked, coughing and
spitting it out.
    “It’s blood.”
    His reaction was great—not that he was
choking on the juice but that his body barely moved. Only his head
came off the bed, turning to the side to glare at her. But she’d
happily take the glare, because it meant that was all he could do.
So, she was safe. Hopefully for long enough to convince him to walk
away and forget she ever happened.
    That was so enormously unlikely. I
should’ve staked him.
    “That is not blood,” he said, still
trying to rid his mouth of the taste.
    “It’s close.”
    “Yet it is far from potable. It was cow, was
it not? You tried to give me the myoglobin of a cow?”
    “Maybe, although I’m not sure what myoglobin
    “Do you know nothing about my race?” He
looked at her as if she’d missed something so obvious she should
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