Unleash Me, Vol. 2 (Unleash Me, Annihilate Me Series)

Unleash Me, Vol. 2 (Unleash Me, Annihilate Me Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Unleash Me, Vol. 2 (Unleash Me, Annihilate Me Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Christina Ross
Tank. ”
    “ I love you
more. ”
    “ Before you
left today, I thought that two weeks without you would be interminable.   Now I know it will be.   I don ’ t want to come off as some weak, dependent, ridiculous
girlfriend, but I feel like one now. ”
    “ You ’ ve been threatened.   That fucker actually chased you
tonight.   I hope you understand the
difference of what being a ridiculous girlfriend means, because I do — and you ’ re not one.   When you wake in the morning, go and
introduce yourself to Cutter.   If
you have the photo from Katie, put it on a thumb drive and give it to him.   If you don ’ t, call her and ask her for it.   Tell her that you need it ASAP.   When you have it, go with Cutter to
Wenn.   The team will take care of
the rest.   With your memory of what
Kevin looks like now, we ’ ll
construct a clear composite of him and we ’ ll use it to seek him out.   OK? ”
    “ I know it ’ s selfish, but I wish you
were here with me now. ”
    “ I do,
too.   More than you know.   But I can tell you this — I ’ m there in spirit.   I ’ m all around you.   Can you feel me?   Close your
eyes and try to feel me. ”
    I closed my eyes and imagined Tank standing behind me while I sat at the
computer, and God help me if I didn ’ t
feel a whisper of his hands on my shoulders.   He was there with me.   We had a connection that couldn ’ t be divided by space.
    “ I feel you, ” I said.   “ I
do. ”
    “ Get some
sleep. ”
    “ That ’ s not going to
happen.   I ’ m way too wound up.   I ’ ll work on Boss ’ edits and try to make some headway on the book. ”
    “ Maybe, by
tomorrow morning, Boss will be out of your life. ”
    “ I wouldn ’ t mind that, but then I ’ ll need to deal with a new
editor and all of his or her wants for the book. ”
    “ Try to sleep, ” he said.   “ I ’ ll see if I can take care
of that, too. ”


    The next morning, I awoke with a start and found myself leaning back in
my desk chair with my hands resting on my stomach.   What woke me?   It was a sound — and then I knew exactly what it was.   Apparently, I ’ d just snorted in my sleep so loudly that I ’ d rattled myself awake.
    Classy , I thought.
    At some point in the night, I must have reclined, closed my eyes, and
fallen asleep.   I looked up at the
ceiling for a few moments. Then, I wiped my eyes and squinted around the room,
which was blindingly bright from the sunlight pouring through the window at my
left.   My head was so thick with
thoughts of all that had happened the night before, I felt as if I was in a
    Coffee , I thought.   No — espresso.   I was about to stand when I recalled my
conversation with Tank.   He ’ d specifically asked me
for that photo of Kevin, and I couldn ’ t
let him down.   So, I sat up in my
chair, collected myself, woke my computer from its slumber, and got to it.
    I checked my email to see if Katie had sent the photo, and was surprised
to find that she actually had.   I
opened it, and the person I saw smiling back at me was now a shock to me.   This version of Kevin looked nothing
like the man I saw last night.   Only
six years had passed since this photo was taken, but now, because of how he ’ d chosen to live his life,
he looked a good fifteen years older.
    I reached into my desk drawer, removed a thumb drive, stuck it into a
slot on my keyboard, and saved the photo onto it.   That ’ s when my phone rang.   I looked at the screen hoping that it
was Tank, but it was Blackwell.   I
wished it had been Tank, but I ’ d
always take Blackwell.   I answered.
    “ Barbara, ” I said.
    There was concern in her voice when she said, “ How are you? ”
    “ You ’ ve spoken to someone about
what happened last night? ”
    “ Alex called
me after Tank spoke to him.   I know
everything.   I ’ m sorry.   None of that should have happened to
you, from Marco
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