Underworld Champions (The MC Outlaw Series)

Underworld Champions (The MC Outlaw Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Underworld Champions (The MC Outlaw Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ella Stone
school, because she progressed to screwing a teacher for even more money, and got found out.
    Finally, I cry for the family I wished for and never got, and I cry because the only family I’d known was now dead, and despite the fact he was really my Uncle, I had spent my life loving him like a father. But I will forever hate him. So. Much. More.
    “Hungry?” Prez asks as I step out of my room, dressed in a pair of denim cut-offs and a black hippy shirt that ties at the waist. They smell a little musty, but I sprayed them with some air freshener, so they’ll have to do. Besides, they look a hell of a lot better than the clothes I arrived in. They’re still a little big, but they fit better than Carla’s jeans did.
    “Yeah. But there’s no food.”
    “There’ll be some at the compound.”
    “Oh. You’re letting me back in there?”
    “Yeah. Time to let you in on the family way of doin’ things. You can help out in the kitchens, or wherever they need you, to earn your keep.”
    “But what about me finding a job?”
    “You pull your weight, and I’ll help you out.”
    “I don’t want charity.”
    “You’re family. This is what we do.”
    He shrugs into his jacket and holds a helmet out for me to take before walking out the door and getting on his bike.
    “Where’s Carla?” I ask, taking a hold of the helmet.
    “She’s gone ahead of us to help the other Ladies out. She’s kind of like their boss, if that makes sense.”
    “Yeah, it does,” I say, fixing the helmet on my head before getting on the back of his bike.
    The gates are pulled open as we approach, and we rumble straight on in. Prez parks in his designated spot and waits for me to get off the bike before he does.
    “You right?” he asks, noting that I’m a little shaky on my feet.
    “Yeah, I just haven’t really been on a bike before.”
    “Now, that’s not true. I used to take you riding all the time.”
    The sadness that has been overcoming me, threatens to flare up again. But I squash it down and keep my response even. I can’t keep losing my shit every five minutes just because I found out my mummy and daddy cared about me – I’m starting to find myself pathetic. Suck it up girl. You’re in biker territory now, I say to myself.
    As we walk inside, I wonder how I’m going to be received. Are they going to accept me? Hate me? Treat me like a wannabe biker? Or will being the president’s daughter earn me some sort of respect?
    He takes me up to the kitchen window and asks the lady inside, who he calls ‘Cora’ for two plates of food. “Gotta fatten this one up a bit,” he says, nodding his head toward me.
    She’s an older lady. Probably around the same age as my father, with short brown hair and a decent amount of aging tattoos up and down her arms. She dressed in an apron that covers her light blue sleeveless button up and a pair of jeans.
    “Ah yeah, Carla’s been sayin’ your daughter was back. That’s great Prez. Nice to see all grown-up Maddie. You was only a baby when I saw you last, so you probably don’t remember me. Wow. So pretty, just like your mamma.”
    I smile, not knowing what else to do. I don’t remember her. I don’t remember any of this place.
    “Maddie wants to earn her keep. Are there any jobs she could be doing today?” my father asks.
    “Um… I don’t know. Maybe she c an help in the bar? Can you pull a beer hun?”
    “On tap? I guess I could…” I shrug, willing to give anything a shot, (except for sucking cock. I’ve been there, done that), to feel useful.
    “Great. Well, you eat up, and once I’m finished here, I’ll take you over and introduce you around.”
    When we're done eating, Cora walks me through to the bar, and I have to say that, for a converted wool shed, this whole complex looks pretty good from the inside. It’s all been purposely built so there’s living quarters, eating areas, leisure areas, club rooms, bar. You name it - it seems to have it. The tin shed look
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