seemed the Witch also, and now Acro. Sure, he had been created handsome, but was that all that women cared about? Could this have any bearing on his destiny? If so, he really needed to sort it out soon.
In due course the boulders formed a ramp across the moat. “There you are,” Tuff said as the last one splashed into place. “Good luck.”
“Thank you.” Cyrus stepped carefully from boulder to boulder, crossing the moat without touching the water. The Wave hovered, as if hoping he would fall in so it could pounce, but he disappointed it. He had navigated the first Challenge.
“Congratulations,” Acro said as he stepped onto the inner bank. She was now garbed in blouse, skirt, and slippers, none of which detracted from her appeal. However, it was now possible for him to look at her without his eyeballs locking up. “I'm not allowed to help you with the other Challenges, but I will cheer you on.”
“Thank you.”
“Are you sure you wouldn't like me to kiss you?”
“I am not sure. That's probably why you shouldn't do it.”
“I don't think I quite understand.”
“It might make my mind freak out, so I would not be able to pass the remaining Challenges.”
“Oh. Yes, of course. That's very logical.”
“Robots are supremely logical. I'm half robot.”
“What's the other half?”
“Barbarian. That makes me ill-equipped to handle civilized things, especially women.”
“You are fascinating.”
He assumed that was a compliment. “Thank you.”
He looked ahead. He was in a kind of garden swarming with ants. They were large and looked aggressive.
He stepped forward. Immediately the ants formed a line, lifting front legs with weapons: little spears, clubs, swords, and whips. “I don't like the look of this,” he muttered.
“They won't let you pass,” Acro said. She was standing near an ant, but it ignored her “This is the next Challenge.”
He had gathered as much. He suspected that the little weapons would be most painful to his ankles. In fact some ants had little buckets of fire. Those would be fire ants.
That gave him an idea. Were the others of individual types? Maybe if he identified them, they would let him by. It was the kind of intellectual challenge the Good Magician was known for.
He moved toward the closest ant.
“Halt!” its tiny voice cried. “I will defend my domain to the death!”
“You're a Warrior Ant,” Cyrus said.
“True, and you shall not pass, intruder,” The ant raised its spear threateningly.
He had identified it, but it still would not let him pass. Had he figured it out wrong? He sifted through his memory bank. Endless information was there, but he didn't know how to adapt it to this situation. He had to use the thinking portion of his brain.
What had he not done? Often in Xanth things had to be taken literally, and with a groaning admixture of puns. Was he supposed to make the ant laugh, as he had with the witch?
Then a bulb flashed. That always startled him, though it was a standard effect when someone got a sudden bright idea. There was a pun of sorts. “You're a Defend Ant,” he said.
“O bleep, he got it,” the ant swore. “I have to let him pass,” It stepped aside. “Pass, jerk.”
“Thank you.” Cyrus stepped past.
But immediately there was another ant in the way. “Didn't you get the message, idiot? We don't want you here.”
“What message was that?”
“I sent you an a-mail. You lacked the courtesy to answer. You shall not pass.”
A-mail. That would be the ants' version of e-mail. But where was the pun? “I'm sorry, I didn't receive it.”
“The bleep you didn't, rogue! It's right there in your pocket.”
Cyrus looked. There was a small note tucked into his breast pocket. It must have gotten there magically; a-mail was surely like that. He took it out and read it. GO AWAY. FAILURE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THIS CORRESPONDENCE WILL NOT ALTER ITS IMPORT. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Correspondence, New he got it. “You're a Correspond