Two Halves Series
before and start a new life. It could take months or even years to grow up; that depended on the shifter’s choice and state of mind.
    We took three years, lying in the forest. The memory of our infant life was distant, but not lost. When the canopy overhead thinned with the change of season, we’d grow fur to keep warm. When we were hungry, we’d shift into a bobcat or a mouse to hunt—small mammals didn’t need to eat much. Sated, we’d shift back into human babies, the easiest form to maintain, although we weren’t completely human. At one point, we lived with a pack of wolves; then a bear adopted us for a while. Soon after, Ma found us in our human form and took us in. With her at our side, we chose to age.
    “That’s a question for the keepers love, but I know I was meant to find you and protect you. You’re needed here and you have a purpose, I’m certain of that.”
    I thought about my destiny and where I wanted to be at the moment. And it wasn’t sitting in Ma’s kitchen.
    “What’s her name?” Ma lowered her glasses.
    “Hmm . . .” Ma closed her eyes. “She’s beautiful. Is it serious?”
    “You’re not upset?”
    “Our hearts have a way of choosing the ones with whom we’ll share our life.”
    I widened my eyes. “You mean I could be with her? A black witch?”
    “Possibly, but you have to understand what that means for you and your sister. I believe you’re meant to be marked with the water mark. If you stay with her, that won’t be possible.”
    “I can’t have the water mark and be with her?”
    “It’s almost impossible.”
    Ma’s eyes rolled back—something I was used to seeing when she mixed her predictions into a conversation. “It’s too dangerous for you. She’d betray you. She wouldn’t have a choice.”
    “And if I don’t want the water mark?”
    “Consider your decision carefully. It’s not a choice I can make for you, but since you and Mira are bound to each other, the decision should be made in unison. Mira’s been seeing Eric for a while, but she doesn’t want to sway your decision.”
    “And what would happen to us if I chose the other side?”
    “You will always be my little monsters. Your decision affects your sister’s life and hers affects yours. That will never change, but I do believe your path is different from Xela’s.”
    “That cannot be true.” My jaw clenched, and the cracked tooth throbbed down to the jawbone.
    “Xander, you’re going to get hurt.” She gave me a jar with green ointment.
    “Are you saying that as a mother, or as a witch?”
    “A witch. Put some on your tooth.”
    “And she’ll hurt me.” I scooped the goo with my finger and rubbed it on the molar. The physical pain eased, but the worry about my future with Xela lingered.
    “She won’t have a choice, hon.”
    The breath shuddered between my lips when I sighed. “How long do I have?”
    “Three days. Then it will be decided.”
    She smiled and came and came to wrap her arms around me. “I’m sorry.”
    There was no doubt she meant it. Ma wanted us to be happy, but the future was not up to her. “I love you, Ma.”
    “I love you too, Xander.” She tightened her embrace.
    I pulled back to look into her eyes. “I promise I will not disappoint you.”
    Her eyebrows narrowed as she sighed, then stroked the back of my head. “Just remember I’m here for you if you need me. So is your sister. I know you’ll make the right decision.”
    “By ‘right’ you mean get the water mark?” I asked.
    “No, I mean you will decide what’s right for you, Mira, and the future of this world.”
    I snorted. “No pressure, eh?”
    “You can handle it. You’re one of the most powerful beings on Earth.”
    “So, if we can get the sphere by killing someone, what do we do to get the water mark?” As soon as I thought of the mark, I felt a tug, as if my soul disagreed. How would Xela feel about it? Would she care? Maybe there was a chance we
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