Twitter Wit: Brilliance in 140 Characters Or Less
    It seems that, no matter how ugly a place may be, it will have “Keep XYZ Beautiful” signs. New Jersey has them. Mordor probably does, too.
    They said I was just like a Republican Bill Clinton. Close, but no cigar.
    I need a woman that “gets” me. Or at least doesn’t think there’s something wrong with me just because I organize my Beanie Babies by phylum.
    I don’t care what my psychiatrist says. I’m glad I’m a Jedi.
    When Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson bump uglies it must look like two bicycles trying to braid each other’s streamers.
    Each time I stay at a hotel, they’ve found another little pillow to add to the pile at the head of the bed. It’s like a pillow arms race.
    Overheard: If you torture data long enough, you can get it to confess to anything.
    I get a disproportionate sense of accomplishment when I clean a speck off the mirror, because it’s a two-for-one.
    Wondering if hipsterism is catching, like the swine flu. In Williamsburg this weekend & suddenly feel like wearing skinny jeans & knit cap.
    I’m not so sure a good man is that hard to find, but there’s no question that a hard man is good to find.
    I’ve become so cynical about advertising that, now that milk is on TV, I wonder if it really is good for you.
    All this rain, and no one to look out my mansion window and sing a Top 20 (on the urban charts) love song about.
    All of my creativity and motivation seems to have seeped out into the carpet, and for once in their lives, someone vacuumed it.
    After reading about the pet chimp attack, I killed our gecko just as a precaution.
    Oh my god. I am in the mentally ill person line at the grocery store.
    The baby has gotten into the habit of falling asleep while I drive us home. So at least we have that in common.
    I’m pretty sure, almost positive, that it doesn’t go, “For beautiful, oh, spacious thighs.”
    Five Rules of Twitter Wit
Be brief. You’re not writing a novel. If you are writing a novel, my guess is you should stop, burn it, and apologize.
Don’t get too clever. You’ll spend the whole day explaining your joke to baffled followers.
Write a draft and save it. The better version will occur to you in an hour.
Stretch yourself. Take a break from puns for a bon mot. Stop the insult jokes and write a limerick.
Relax. The next tweet will be funnier.
    In addition to charging me an extra $50 to sit next to my wife, US Airways will charge $55 for our 3 bags. The CEO must have a heroin habit.
    Some people say, “Drinking after you’ve just woken is inappropriate,” and to them I say, “What if you wake up at a party?”
    Just saw a white guy dancing and thought, “What a dork.” Then realized it was a black guy and thought, “Y’know, he’s actually pretty good.”
    Honestly, calling your paper toilet seat cover brand “Life Guard” seems a little melodramatic.
    I messed up and engineered an invisible Sea-Monkey. Now I can’t remember which glass is ok to drink from.
    Open the pod bay door, asshole.
    Just saw a bumper sticker that read, “Torture Is a Moral Issue.” Whoa, never thought of it that way.
    Today I’m 31. That’s like 80 in Facebook years.
    I just sneezed into a box of tissues, and now I’m not really sure what to do.
    This cover band is playing a song where they often sing, “YOUR SEX IS ON FIRE,” but at no time mention getting that checked out.
    It’s so
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