T*Witches: Split Decision

T*Witches: Split Decision Read Online Free PDF

Book: T*Witches: Split Decision Read Online Free PDF
Author: H.B. Gilmour
faster, more deliberately. She knew this park, this view by heart. What wasn’t she seeing?
    Suddenly, she realized it didn’t matter if she couldn’t flush someone out by sight. She could hear. There was a swishing sound, like someone dragging a blanket across the grass. Then a sliding, skidding, and bump! Her mystery guest had fallen.
    A memory came to her. Weeks ago on CoventryIsland, a short young witch tripped on her too-long cape and tumbled down a flight of stairs. No! It couldn’t be —
    “Ta-da!” The teen witch, arms outspread, popped out from behind a tree and gleefully announced, “The one and only!”
    Alex blinked. Oh, no! It really
her, the double-dealing rival Alex had met on Coventry. What was she doing here?
    Michaelina, with her twinkling green eyes, mischievous mouth, and pixie-gone-punk hairdo, had been one of a trouble-brewing trio of witches who called themselves the Furies. Sersee, Epie, and Michaelina. They’d tried to kick serious T*Witch butt and almost succeeded — thanks to Mike, who had briefly befriended the twins, then led them into a near-lethal trap.
    “You’re not holding
against me,” Mike quipped. “What do mainlanders say,’Bygones —’”
    “In your case, it’s
be gone.
Now would be a good time,” Alex snapped.
    Michaelina smiled big. “You haven’t changed at all. That’s good.”
    “What are you doing here?” Alex fingered her moon charm menacingly.
    Michaelina held up mini-palms. “I come in peace. Just to check out mainland life. It’s as simple as that —”
    Jaw set, Alex demanded, “Who sent you?
    “No one! Look, Alex, I know what happened was bad. I learned a lesson, too. I’m not one of Sersee’s servants anymore — I … I know this sounds sappy, but I’m sorta trying to figure it out, y’know? Looking for a second chance?”
    “At what? Another betrayal? What makes you think I wouldn’t put a spell or curse on you?”
    “No way.” Michaelina snorted. “You’re a card-carrying member of Witches Magnanimous. You totally believe that hooey, ‘that all things might grow to their most bountiful goodness.’ It’s not in your nature to hurt me.”
    Mike was right, but for the wrong reason. Alex wasn’t angry enough to hurt the girl. It was something in the sprite’s eyes, the way she put up this totally tough front. It reminded Alex of someone.
    It was the way she might have ended up had the beloved warlock Karsh not brought her to Cam.

    Shane had come for her. And just like that, her rational mind closed down and her rash heart opened up. Cam did not demand the explanation Shane owed her. She did not demand the cautiousness she owed herself. She forgot about Jason. She forgot about Shane’s betrayal. His arms were outstretched. She knew she’d rush into them.
    The massive mahogany doorway of Crailmore, meant to humble those who passed through it, did not diminish Shane Wright. It framed him, as if he were a princely portrait. He was almost posed, it struck Cam, his hands on his hips, legs astride, shiny blond hair brushinghis broad shoulders. His eyes, blue as a cloudless sky, searched her face.
    Her skilled gray eyes glazed over; her heart was in her throat. Fluttering butterfly wings invaded her stomach, only to settle the moment he closed his arms around her.
    Playing it cool was not an option. Not when Shane was so hot.
    “You’re here,” was all he said, holding her tightly and sighing with relief. Had he doubted she would come? Shane brushed away her bangs and kissed her lightly on her forehead. “Come with me,” he whispered.
    No way. Not until you offer up some real explanation for your betrayal. Not until you tell it to my face, to my mother’s face. I’m not going anywhere with you until you prove to both of us you’ve changed.
    Okay. That’s what Cam should have said.
    Only, how could she? His hand closed over hers and their fingers entwined naturally. They walked
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