Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2)

Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Deva Long
ladder up in the middle of the break room.
    Anna looked around, afraid some employee at work late would see her standing there wearing the red stripes from his recent punishment. But the windows of the break room, shades pulled up, watched over the hallways and the cube farm where she spent her days, like the eyes of an empty skull.
    Automatic lights in the hallway would snap on if anyone walked down them.
    “Come here,” he said and took up some of the straps he’d used to bind her to the ottoman earlier.
    In silent submission, she shuffled over to the ladder.
    “Mount the first two rungs.”
    Anna climbed as she was told. Caden leapt in and grabbed her hands, pulling them above her head to the top of the ladder. She tried to jerk her forearms down as he wrapped the straps around her wrists.
    “You don’t have to tie me. I stayed here for you. I’ll do what you tell me to do, and take my…my punishment. But please, don’t tie me up again.” The ladder was cool to her touch and she had to hold herself away from the rungs to lift her breasts and thighs away from the hard metal.
    Caden pulled over one of the folding chairs, and stood on the seat to tie her wrists up to the top of the ladder.
    “You broke my trust and the company’s trust, Anna. You deserve this, and I need to be able to describe your punishment to the board and to other employees. Then they will know that theft and dishonesty are not rewarded at Darco.”
    A wave of heat rushed over her. “You’re going to tell other employees?”
    He gave a final tug to make sure the straps held their place. He motioned with his chin to the overhead security camera, red light winking away. “That’s part of your contract. You gave us the right to record and display any punishment we saw fit to undertake.”
    Caden Morning stepped back down off the chair and ran his hands over her breasts where they bobbed close to the metal of the ladder. Metal that had been climbed and touched by countless work boots and dirty hands. By the look of it, Caden had not bothered to wipe the aluminum rungs before making her touch them.
    “Didn’t you read any of it?”
    “I didn’t read the fine print. I don’t want to get into a legal debate, I just want to stay here and work for you.”
    With you. Under you.
    “Why do you have to show this to anyone else?” she wailed. “Can’t you keep my punishment just between us?”
    “Maybe I can, Anna. For the most part. To reinstate you, I’ll have to show the recording to a few of the board. But perhaps, if you behave, I can keep the video from being used in company training tapes and from being shown to your co-workers.”
    Oh, God, her co-workers. Would they sit in this very room and watch her being whipped while they had coffee? On the big-screen TV that usually played speeches by company founders and marketing videos extolling the virtues of Darco? The same screen where she’d first seen Caden Morning speak about the importance of teamwork and loyalty? Yes, she would do anything to avoid that. But with her contract and her the decision to stay and bear this final punishment, she was at his mercy.
    “Thank you, Mr. Morning, I will obey. Please, I’ve learned my lesson. You don’t have to hit me hard.”
    “You should thank me, Anna. There are other implements I could use besides the crop and the cane.” She shuddered to think of the toothy electric wheel in his bag. “I’m also trying to make this as pleasurable for you as I can. You are one of those who converts pain to pleasure. The board will look at the strikes of the whip, and not at the strokes of my hand between them.”
    Caden tugged the nylon straps where they bound her wrists to the ladder, and Anna felt his torrid skin against her back. The rush of cinnamon rose stronger now in her nostrils. She breathed, pushing back against him.
    Was he right? His punishment did get easier to bear when he played with her pussy and nipples between blows.
    Like the brunette
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