Twisted Affair Vol. 4
to imagine a future with him, there was a giant hole where Livie had been. No matter how many times or how many different ways I tried to work it out, it always ended up the same. Blayne and I trying to pretend like I didn’t hate what we'd done to Livie. I’d miss my sister so much, it would drive us apart.
    I sighed as I flopped back onto my bed. It was a mess, as usual. I remembered how I used to love to lay on my sister's bed after she'd just made it, play with the covers until she yelled at me. A pang went through me. I missed her so badly that it hurt sometimes.
    This would've been so much easier if I'd been the one to meet Blayne first.
    The thought had been there for some time, hovering at the edges of my mind. I'd never let myself dwell on it though. Not until now.
    I could see how it would've played out if I'd been the one tending bar that night. I definitely would have ended up back at his place, but it wouldn't have been because he'd passed out. Our first time together, he would've known exactly who I was. Then, if things had played out the rest of the way as they had with Livie, Blayne's father would've come in the next morning and I would've been the one Blayne called his fiancée. Livie would've protested when I told her, just like I had, but I would've been stubborn too. Only Blayne and I wouldn't have set up some sort of business deal. It would've been a real marriage.
    We could be out in public, holding hands, kissing, whatever we wanted to do. I'd be the one going to the family events with Blayne, meeting his family. Impressing them. I'd put in a good word for her, of course. Wear her dresses and make sure everyone knew who'd designed them. Maybe even bring her to a couple events.
    She and Blayne would've been great as brother and sister-in-law. Friends, family even. Without the pressure of their fake marriage between them, I could see them enjoying each other's company. When she wanted to be, my sister could be almost as much fun as I was, though I hadn't seen that side of her in a long time.
    I would've had her design my wedding dress, of course, for the larger ceremony his parents had promised. It'd be beautiful, the kind of thing that would put her name on the map.
    I closed my eyes and cursed. Why was I torturing myself this way? It was no good thinking about the things that might have been. It didn't matter what I thought or dreamed, what I wished would've happened. Things were what they were and nothing was going to change. I had to accept that.
    I sat up, looking at my reflection in the mirror across from my bed. That wasn't true. Things could change.
    If I had the strength to do what was right.
    I put my hand on my chest as my heart clenched. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't do it. Losing Blayne would break my heart.
    I looked at my reflection again, seeing my sister in my face. Losing the man I loved might break my heart, but losing my sister would kill me.
    I dropped my head, covering my face with my hands. I knew what I had to do, and no matter how much it hurt, I was going to have to follow through. It was time. I'd let this go on far too long. I had to make things right with my sister, and that meant only one thing.
    I had to end my relationship with Blayne.

Chapter 5
    I was seriously starting to think that I'd made a huge mistake in this marriage with Blayne. Sure, I'd had an excellent meeting with the bank this week and my loan application was being reviewed. I'd know next week if I'd gotten it, and no one had asked me for any sort of favor with the Westmores. I considered that a win. I should've been planning things, writing out a purchasing schedule for materials. Instead, I was stuck like I had been for a while, thinking about Blayne.
    I'd managed to get a couple new designs out, but it hadn't been easy, trying to ignore the thoughts that kept popping up. There was a new one I'd been having the last couple days and, somehow, it was worse than the others.
    I kept wondering
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