Twisted Affair Vol. 4
what would've happened if I hadn't given Blayne that ultimatum. How would things have been different if I hadn't told Blayne that we weren't going to have sex? Would he have turned to me then, instead of my sister? I didn't know the circumstances that had brought them together for the first time, but I knew that it had been after the honeymoon. If I had been more willing to open myself up to him, maybe something would've happened between us in Europe.
    I'd been thinking about that a lot more lately, imagining how things would've gone if I'd let the kiss at our wedding be a real one. I'd been playing along with him, making it look good for the witnesses, but at times like these, I remembered it quite clearly. The feel of his lips against mine, firm but not demanding. His hands gentle on my face.
    I wondered what he would've done if I'd deepened the kiss, if I'd stopped being afraid of living a little and had run the tip of my tongue along the seam of his mouth, asking for entrance. I had no doubt he would've responded if I'd made the first move.
    I wondered where things would've progressed from there. Hand holding and snuggling on the plane? Sharing the bed in the honeymoon suite?
    I could only imagine what that night would've been like. Our first time together. His hands caressing my body, slowly removing my clothes. His eyes darkening as he saw the sexy lingerie I'd designed. Watching him take off his clothes, revealing the muscular body I knew was underneath.
    I could almost feel his hands caressing my skin. His mouth on my breasts, the suction on my nipples, gentle at first and then increasing until I could feel every pull of his mouth deep inside me. His fingers between my legs, inside me, probing for that spot that would make me scream...
    “ Nech toho !” I shook my head. I really needed to stop. I was driving myself crazy with the what-ifs. Well, the what-ifs and thinking about the reality of our situation.
    I wasn't angry at them, either of them, not even for lying to me. It had hurt a bit at first, knowing they were keeping secrets from me. Well, more Katka than Blayne. He was entitled to his secrets, particularly about his personal life. And it wasn't like I expected Katka to tell me everything, but since this did involve me personally, it would've been nice to hear it. Then again, I was keeping a pretty big secret from them. One that I never intended to share. There was no way in hell either of them would ever know that I felt anything beyond friendship for Blayne.
    I walked around the apartment I'd started thinking of as mine. I couldn't deny that I enjoyed living in such a beautiful space, even if I did spend most of my time in my room. The apartment Katka and I had shared was nice, especially considering we weren't rolling in money, but it was nothing compared to this.
    I walked down the hall to my room. As much as any place could feel like home without my sister, this was it. I frowned as I sat down on the edge of my bed. I missed her. I hadn't spoken to Katka in too long. I'd tried calling, but had given up after she'd quit answering. She didn't want to talk, and I understood why. I knew my sister well. She was feeling guilty about being with Blayne and lying about it, but I suspected a part of her, even if it was just subconsciously, was angry. Angry at me for being married to the man she loved.
    I completely got it. While I was glad the two of them had each other and were happy, I was also jealous. I'd never been one to care much about relationships, preferring instead to focus on work. Katka had believed in her fairy tales, but I never had. There was no such person as Prince Charming.
    Then I'd met Blayne, gotten to know him. While he wasn't perfect, I saw past all of the shit and saw the man he could become. He was so much more than his parents and family believed he could be. Maybe Samuel believed in him, but not as much as I did.
    And not as much as I knew Katka did. I didn't have to see the two of them
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