Twist of Fate
crook of my neck, and whispered, "Good night, Paige." I swore I could hear something in his voice, but I refused to beg.
    Even as I was swiping my CAT card, I still couldn't believe it. And, as I watched his tail lights pull away, I swallowed hard, knowing that he only wanted to be friends.

    Chapter 5

    Tommy came strolling into our room the next day pissed off. He threw his longboard down, and flopped onto his bed without as much as a word.  
    "What's up, bro?" I asked.
    "Nothing I want to talk about," he grumbled.
    "Alright, man. I got class in thirty, so, I'll be back later."
    "Wait!" Tommy sat up on his elbows. "I'm hearing some rumors that you were out with my little cousin last night, bro."
    "So what? We're friends."
    "I also heard you're losing your swag."
    My hand was on the door, and I was dying to just bolt, to hide the feelings I had toward Paige. "Pff, who told you that shit?"
    He cracked open a beer from the mini fridge."Jack says you haven't brought anyone home in over two weeks." He took a long swig, then eyed me. "What's up with that?"
    "What? Can't a guy have a bad streak once in a while." He kicked off his shoes, then stood up, staring me down."You never have a bad streak unless you want them." He eyed me up and down from his bed.   "Let me guess, Paige?"
    I stepped back into the room. "What about Paige?"
    "Dude, tell me this isn't Mission Beach all over again?"
    "Tommy you were totally fine with it back then. Besides, nothing's happening."
    "Yeah, I was, and I'd be fine now, as long as you don't play her like you play everybody else. You know she's my cousin, and she's cool as shit." He grabbed his pillow, and threw it at me. "Second thought, maybe you shouldn't."
    "I never said I liked her."
    "You don't need to. We've known each other since kindergarten. You think I don't know when your lying to me?"
    "I didn't mean for it. Jesus, I can't do this." I dragged my hand through my hair. "It took everything for me to leave her last night. She wanted me to stay, but that damn voice inside my head held me back. She's gonna rip me to shreds. I'm in too deep already." I grabbed a beer, chugging it back, imagining all the ways Paige Pearce could destroy me. "You're right, I'm backing off. Keep her away from me for a little while."  
    "She's here all the time. How are you going to avoid her?" Tommy asked with disbelief in his voice that I could pull it off. "Just call me when she's coming over. I'll bail."
    He turned the T.V. on, avoiding my eyes. "Whatever you say, Benny." He looked up at me.   "Hey, I thought you had class?"
    I tossed my beer in the garbage can, then grabbed my bag, and hauled ass to my engineering class. I was supposed to be there early to talk to my professor. I was trying to get into this ridiculous class next semester, and you needed permission from your previous professor to get in. He was my only shot of taking my studies up a notch, and getting into that chemical and environmental engineering class.

    It had been almost two full weeks since I went dancing with Paige. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. I even forced myself to hook up at one of our parties to save face. I didn't even remember the girl's name I was so hammered. I wan't sure if it was for my brothers, or for me, but I did it to prove a point.   I was not in love with Paige Pearce. No way. No how.
    She texted me a couple times, but I would either blow them off, or make up some lie and tell her I was busy. I hated doing it, especially when the last one came in apologizing for that night at the honky tonk. Like she had something to feel sorry for. I was the asshole that chickened out, who walked away. She was handing herself over on a silver fucking plate, and I let her walk away like she didn't matter.
    It was late, and I was sitting on my beanbag, watching an awesome cage fight on T.V, trying to bide my time before my date, when the door to my room flew open. Tommy, and Paige were laughing their asses
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