Truth or Dare

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Book: Truth or Dare Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz
going to carry her out of the tropics and into the bedroom. Instead he swung her around and set her down on the counter next to the sink.
    She drew a startled breath when the cool tiles made contact with her bare buttocks, but before she could grasp the fact that she and Ethan were not headed for the bed, he had moved between her legs.
    She could feel his desire beating at her, a hot desert wind.
    â€œThe shower and the shave were supposed to slow me down.” He touched her clitoris, stroking slowly. “You shouldn’t have interrupted.”
    â€œIt’s okay.” She was already damp. Reaching down she took him in her fingers. “You don’t have to go slow. Not every time. Sometimes fast is good.”
    â€œFor me, maybe, not for you. I want it to be good for you.”
    â€œEthan, it’s okay.” She drew him closer, brushing the broad head of his heavily engorged penis against the damp opening of her body, doing everything she could to tempt him. “You don’t have to always be in control. Not with me.”
    He groaned. Every muscle in his body tightened.
    He gripped her thighs and pushed himself into her, driving deep and hard. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him tightly while he hurtled toward his climax and whatever brief peace it would give him.

    A rcadia Ames came awake riding a rush of nerve-screaming adrenaline. She opened her eyes, listening intently, shivering with reaction. Heart pounding, she tried to breathe slowly but it was impossible. She needed air.
    Nothing moved in the darkness of her bedroom. There was enough moonlight to show her that the corners were empty. No one stood over her bed. No menacing figure loomed in the doorway. There was no telltale brush of footsteps from the living room or the kitchen.
    All the available evidence reported by her eyes and ears assured her that the sophisticated security system Harry had installed had not been tripped. She was alone in the condominium.
    But the sensation of being watched was so strong that she could not ignore it. Frustration and dread mingled inside her.
    What was wrong with her lately? She’d had this weird feeling several times in the past couple of days, and tonight it was really bad. Maybe those months she had spent in Candle Lake Manor Psychiatric Hospital had affected her more than she had realized.
    She had deliberately had herself committed to the loony bin as one step in a master plan she had devised to hide from her husband. Grant had wanted her dead. She had figured that he would never think to look for her in a private asylum.
    But Candle Lake Manor had proven to be a disastrous choice. It had been run by a corrupt administrator who had allowed the thug-like orderlies to have the run of the place after hours.
    Much of the late-night activity was relatively harmless. Some of the orderlies had sold drugs from the hospital’s supply room. Others had zoned out on the stolen meds. Most had just napped. But a few of the brutes had amused themselves raping the helpless, doped-up female patients.
    The only good thing that had come out of her time at Candle Lake was her friendship with Zoe. The two of them had plotted their escape together. They had been forced to carry it out ahead of schedule because one night two of the vicious orderlies had come for Arcadia. She shivered at the memory of the attempted rape. If Zoe hadn’t heard the men taking her down the hall to the examination room that night . . .
    No. Don’t go there. There was no reason to fear anyone at Candle Lake Manor. Ethan had pretty much wiped the hospital off the map last month.
    The only thing she had to fear was Grant.
    The bastard was supposed to be dead, but she knew him too well to believe in that very convenient skiing accident in Switzerland. His body had never been found, supposedly buried under untold tons of snow. But her intuition told her that he had faked his own death
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