Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language.

Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language. Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language. Read Online Free PDF
Author: John Raptor
the rabbit sings, kneeling down in front of me. “But He is strong.”
    I’m crying so hard my whole body aches.
    “SING IT YOU SICK FUCK!” the deep voice bellows and echoes.
    “Ye-ye-yesss…Je-Jesus l-l-loves me…” I break down, my eyes pulsing in their sockets. “The Bu-bu-Bible tells me so.”
    The rabbit snickers, grabs me by my bound wrists, and drags me across the floor. Hits a switch. A dim bulb flickers on, casting a sickly glow. I shriek when I see the dentist chair in the center of the room, spotlighted by the hanging bulb. The rabbit pushes me into the cold leather, undoes my wrists—I lash out and claw the rabbit’s face the moment my hands are free. But the rabbit is strong, and holds me down, giggling, as he/she/it binds my wrists again, but this time, in the chair’s leather restraints. I kick my bound ankles forward, punching the rabbit hard in the gut. It keels over, laughing, gasping for breath, and then clutches one of my fingers in its big paw.
    Icy terror fills my veins at the thought of the rabbit bending my finger backward until the bone snaps, but instead: it buries a rusty tooth scraper into the nailbed. I scream.
    “No one can hear you, bitch,” it says. “I hope you got your tetanus shot.”
    The rabbit forces a steel contraption into my mouth that holds it open…
    And then he/she/it starts up the tooth drill.
    I thrash in the restraints…screaming so loud my head is vibrating and my ears are ringing and it sounds like a mad house down here as my brain cracks and my heart explodes and I think about my bloody bloated body in a dumpster somewhere and the rabbit giggles, I swear, even though I cannot hear it over the piercing noise of the drill.
    The rabbit stares into my gaping maw with its dead mesh eyes and then shoves the drill bit into my back molar. The drill’s high-pitched scream rings in my tooth, my ears, my brain, and a sharp, hot pain instantly flowers in my lower jaw and I become light headed and start seeing things (demons in the shadows) and I’m screaming and crying and puking and pissing and shit is dripping down my thighs (itchy, developing a rash). The rabbit continues to drill, putting holes in my teeth and vacuuming blood and puke from my gaping maw with a suction tube.
    At some point, the pain and fear blurs together and I don’t feel much of anything anymore…just acceptance. That this is it.
    Then it stops.
    My face sheathed in sweat; my eyes wide, darting around the room; mad, crazy…everything blurry; tears and sweat burn hot in my tear ducts.
    “You’re sinner number three,” the rabbit says. Deep voice: “Welcome to hell.”
    The rabbit giggles as it switches off the light, hops up the stairs, and slams the door shut—leaving me in darkness, bound to the dentist chair.
    Saliva and blood fill the back of my throat and I feel like I’m drowning; having trouble swallowing due to the fact my mouth is being held open by the metal contraption. For a moment, I forget how to swallow and hot panic fills me…but then my throat goes into tight wild spams, and the blood and spittle go down. I cry: my tongue dry, my sinuses and throat burning with bile. The rabbit left me, left me down here, quivering, crying in pain, covered in shit and piss and puke and blood. Who the fuck is he/she/it? What the fuck do they want? Why me? God, why me? Why is this happening? What did I ever do to deserve this? Is it because I’m a whore? God, why?
    The itchy rash on my shit and piss covered legs drives me even madder than the singing pain in my teeth and jaws.
    In the darkness of the cellar, I feel something crawling across my face…tiny sticky feet tickling my cheek. A spider? I scream, fighting the restraints. I fight so hard I snap my wrists.
    I hate men. All of them.
    I hate this prick sitting across from me, crying his eyes out, drenched in mud water. I don’t know what he did, but I already hate him for it. I’m guessing rape, because he’s
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