Trickle Up Poverty

Trickle Up Poverty Read Online Free PDF

Book: Trickle Up Poverty Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael Savage
Tags: Non-Fiction, Business
Antiquities Act, this president—who promised an open and transparent government—can use his executive power to hijack and yank the land out from underneath a state and turn it into a national monument in the name of “conservaaaaation.”
    As you well know, this seizure of property deprives ranchers, miners, and others in the energy development business the opportunity to make a living. How will they support themselves when energy production, ranching, and mining grind to a halt? What does Comrade Obama think they’ll do for work?
    Become community organizers?
    The pirating of public land has been done before, most notably by Bill Clinton in 1996. President Clinton took a break from getting a Lewinsky in the Oval Office long enough to place 1.3 million acres in southern Utah in a federal lockbox, permanently making the land off-limits to current or future exploration and development. Almost a decade later, the people of Utah are still furious and, upon hearing about Obama’s plans, have further reason to distrust and fear their government. Gary Wilcox, a resident of Utah, remembers what went down the last time around: “I keep thinking about what President Clinton did to us … came in here, snuck in here, did the land-grab. I can see that happening right now.”16
    Obama’s land-grab by the feds is another example of what he must have been thinking when he announced, “We are going to roll up our sleeves and we are going to remake this country, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, county by county, state by state.”17 Remake the country? By the looks of how he’s operating, Obama’s real agenda is to “take over the country” acre by acre.
    Some two hundred years ago, James Madison, the fourth President of the United States, warned about the kind of intrusion on freedom and liberty currently “under review” by the forty-fourth president. Madison said: “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations.”18
    Isn’t that precisely what Obama’s Leninist-like behavior is doing? Behind closed doors, out of public scrutiny, he is orchestrating another “silent encroachment” against the people of this republic. He’s been very careful to do his dirty work behind the scenes rather than resort to the violence Madison mentioned—at least for now. But one has to wonder what the true purpose of Obama’s proposed militia may ultimately be. Or didn’t you hear about that one? Unless you were listening to my show at the time, you’re probably be in the dark. Maybe two newspapers reported his statement.
    Here’s what this Lenin-wannabe said in the early days at a campaign stop in Colorado Springs, Colorado:
    We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded19 [emphasis added].
    Don’t we already have a National Guard? Don’t we already have the FBI, DEA, TSA, park rangers, state troopers, sheriffs, and local cops in all fifty states? What’s the man talking about? Is he working toward the creation of a police state? The fact of the matter is that Obama’s plan to create some sort of domestic army that is “just as powerful” as our military is reminiscent of a certain German in the 1930s who had his own brownshirts. Or have you forgotten that world leaders down through the ages have created their version of a “national security force”?
    Remember the KGB, the Gestapo, or the Praetorian Guard?
    Look, I know this might sound far-fetched. But wasn’t it Obama’s pal and handpicked czar, Ron Bloom, who said, “We kinda agree with Mao Zedong that power comes largely from the barrel of a gun”?20 There you have it. What more do you need? This
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