Trickle Up Poverty

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Book: Trickle Up Poverty Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael Savage
Tags: Non-Fiction, Business
to task for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. And Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary.”12
    Where’s the fiscal restraint from our First Lady?
    Why aren’t the Obamas leading by example?
    Whatever happened to president-elect Obama’s call to Americans to make personal sacrifices? While on national television, Obama proclaimed, “Everybody’s going to have to give. Everybody’s going to have to have some skin in the game.”13 Remember that one? Or, how about this: President Obama, having just tripled our national debt, had the audacity to say, “After a decade of profligacy, the American people are tired of politicians who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk when it comes to fiscal responsibility. It’s easy to get up in front of the cameras and rant about exploding deficits. What’s hard is getting deficits under control—but that’s what we must do.”14
    We must do?
    “We” who?
    We—not he, obviously.
    Of course, this nice little teleprompted speech begs the difficult question: If the Spender in Chief can’t get the First Lady to pare down her bloated budget, how can the man be taken seriously when he claims he wants to cut wasteful government spending? What happened to walking the walk? He’s lecturing us about fiscal responsibility while tripling the federal budget deficit and increasing our national debt by $1.9 trillion. In fact, according to the Economics Editor of the United Kingdom Telegraph newspapers, Edmund Conway, “under the Obama administration’s current fiscal plans, the national debt in the US (on a gross basis) will climb to above 100pc of GDP by 2015—a far steeper increase than almost any other country.”15
    But there’s a much more insidious dimension to all of this.
    I’m talking about Michelle Obama’s vision of the future, which, no doubt, has been shaped by the man she married—along with the indoctrination of her leftist professors at Harvard and Princeton. As I’ll document in the next chapter, Barack Obama is a Red Diaper Doper Baby (RDDB); a full-fledged Marxist-Leninist. As such, he and Michelle are moving us toward a two-class society common in socialist nations: the ruling class and the workers. This explains why Michelle will never cut her staff or spending. As a newly arrived member of the ruling class, she believes she’s entitled to it.
    Her extravagance and hypocrisy haven’t gone unnoticed by the people. America is breaking under the weight of one of the deepest recessions in our history and they wonder how Michelle can take a pleasure jaunt to the Eiffel Tower. How can she have the audacity to take a million-dollar vacation when people all across America are losing their jobs and their homes? In the end, this, too, will backfire. The taxpayers don’t like seeing their hard-earned money being wasted.
    The taxpayers don’t consider themselves second-class.
    The taxpayers don’t like being lied to.
    The taxpayers don’t want a First Lady who fashions herself as Czarina.
    This Land is His Land
    As I write, Obama’s czars are eyeing one of the largest federal land-grabs in history. Their target? That depends. A confidential internal government document stamped “NOT FOR RELEASE” somehow found the light of day. In it, Obama’s henchmen identified fourteen sites in nine states spanning millions of acres primarily in the west. With the stroke of a pen, bypassing both public and congressional consent, Obama plans to designate thousands of square miles as “National Monuments.” This Soviet-style mandate by fiat would prohibit any development of millions of acres rich in timber, clean coal, gold, minerals, natural gas, and other vital resources.
    Translation: States and local communities will lose jobs and tax revenues.
    Can Obama do that?
    Can Barack the Buccaneer use the powers of government to shutdown the natural resources of individual states? Technically speaking, yes. Hiding behind the
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