International Airport, Toronto, 2013 –
“Is it you this time? Really you?” Cole asks worriedly as he
rushes to me and, grabbing my hand, he checks my rings.
“Depends, answer me two questions, what year is it and are
you my husband?”
“2013 and yes.”
“Then I think it is really me,” I say before he swoops down
and kisses me.
“Thank fuck,” he says.
“Yes, thank fuck,” Devon says. “Now please can you get rid
of the other you. I love you Lizzie and if we were married I would be over the
moon but Christ, you are wild. I don’t think I can bear you as my wife much
“Oh no. Not that one.” I sink my head into my hands and ask,
“She’s here?”
“You both are. Again. I suggest you go and rescue Lincoln
before he does something he will probably regret.” He points to the back of the
jet and, letting go of Cole, I stalk over and throw the door open. “Get your
slutty hands off him,” I snap at myself.
She sneers at me. “God, don’t be so uptight. I’m only having
a little fun. You should try it sometime. You are Queen, you can do whatever
you want with whomever you want. Live a little,” she drawls at me in a New York
accent very similar to Devon’s as she walks her fingers down Lincoln’s Abs. I
take her in completely now, she is still dressed (thankfully) in a very red,
very sexy outfit, even for me, but it is her whole demeanor and attitude that
is surprising. She is hard and cold with too much make-up and long straight
hair to her waist and she clearly has Lincoln right where she wants him--which
is half-naked on the bed under her.
“I said get off him. Go and play with your own.”
“He is no fun anymore, since the kids. He doesn’t like to
play,” she pouts and Lincoln looks like he wants to die at the mentioning of
kids. “I like it here. Your boys are still fun. Even Devon. Where is our sire?”
she asks suddenly and climbs off a slightly relieved Lincoln.
“ My sire is in the cabin, where is yours?”
She shrugs, “Who cares? I bet yours is better than mine.”
She pushes past me to go off in search of him and I help Lincoln off the bed.
“Fuck me, Liv. I have to say I prefer you-you.”
“Thanks sweetie. That’s good to know.”
“See what I have to put up with?” the other CK says to me
from the doorway. “I think I would probably prefer you as well.”
I turn to him. “She is a terror. Get her under control,” I
snap at him and he snickers at me.
“If only it were that simple. Perhaps you may be able to
exert some control over her?”
“Doubtful. She seems too much for me to handle.”
He pushes off from the doorway where he was standing. “I
don’t want to go back.”
“You have to. You don’t belong here.”
“Please, Aefre,” he says my name hesitantly. “The world we
come from it isn’t right. It isn’t how it should be. The Power has gone
straight to her head, and now she is Empress. I fear for us.”
“I can’t help that. I don’t even understand it. Forwards and
backwards is one thing but where you come from is parallel to here but
everything is different. I can’t get my head around that.”
We hear yelling coming from the cabin and I rush to the aid
of my boys but they seem to have it under control. CK specifically. “Touch me
like that again, I don’t care who you look like, I will end you,” he growls.
“I don’t look like her, I am her, you idiot,” she
snarls at him.
“Oh no, you are not. Not in the slightest.” He tackles her
and spins her around to face me, saying, “That is the real Aefre. You are just
some placeholder in an alternative universe.”
Her eyes narrow in hatred as she hears those words and she
says, “I am Empress of the Dragon Realms and The Underworld. I am more powerful
than all of you put together.”
“Then use your Power to take you home. You are not welcome
“Seconded,” Devon says quickly.
“But Dev, baby. If I stay, we would be married. Isn’t