Downs, Jana - Angel Bound [His Guardian Angels 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove - Serialized)

Downs, Jana - Angel Bound [His Guardian Angels 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove - Serialized) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Downs, Jana - Angel Bound [His Guardian Angels 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove - Serialized) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jana Downs
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similar way.”
    “Enough of this.” Cross interrupted yet another slide into a  philosophical conversation. “If Lord Raphael says to go to your  mother’s house, Madigan, then to your house we must go.”
    “Thank you so much for coming into my life and taking over. I  really appreciate it, Red,” Madigan grumbled, crossing his arms over  his chest.
    “My name is—”
    “Yeah. Yeah. I know your name is Cross.” Madigan let his breath  out in a slow hiss of sound and tried to keep both his hysteria and his  temper in check. He felt like the world was spiraling out of control.
    “Hey,” Michel spoke, grabbing his attention. “Don’t be mad at us,  cutey. I promise that this is for your own good, and just as soon as  you get settled, it’ll be a lot better. We’ve just got to get somewhere  safe first.”

    28                            Jana Downs

    Before Madigan could form a proper thank-you, Cross interrupted. “You don’t have to take time to explain things.” The redhead pointed at the nephilim. “His protection takes priority over his opinions of what we’re doing.” Apparently, his patience had finally run out.
    Madigan saw red. “All right, I’ve had it! Beat your chest all you want, you Neanderthal, but I will be consulted before we do anything major. I am not a doormat.”
    A muscle in Cross’s jaw ticked. In a calmer voice, he spoke. “I never claimed you were, Madigan. I apologize, but there will be instances when I don’t need you to argue with us. I will need you to act as ordered for your protection.”
    “For my sanity, I will not just agree to everything you say.  Period.”
    “Do you have a death wish, mortal?” Cross’s voice was the  epitome of calm and mature while Madigan had to resist the urge to  stomp his foot in annoyance.
    “This is getting us nowhere,” Michel interrupted. He took  Madigan’s hand. “Come on, cutey. Fly with me. I’ll make you forget  that we’re bossy.” Madigan found himself smiling at the teasing tone  that Michel used. The angel spread his pretty white-and-gold wings,  letting Madigan look his fill. “What do you say?”
    Madigan inhaled sharply as the rich smell of rowan wafted up to  his nostrils. A tiny shiver of pleasure went through him. “Sure thing.”  He stepped into Michel’s arms, and the smell surrounded him. “Those  look soft,” he murmured, reaching his hand out and touching the  curve of the wing as it disappeared into Michel’s back. The angel  visibly shuddered.
    “Hey now, cutey, don’t touch those unless you’re planning to  spend the rest of the day flat on your back.” Michel shifted his grip  and wrapped his massive arms around Madigan’s waist. Their bodies  became flush together, and Madigan blushed as he felt the hard  evidence of what his touch had done to the angel.   I’m so going to hell.

    Angel Bound                            29

    There has to be a place in the Bible that says that giving guardian angels hard-ons is definitely punishable by eternal hellfire .
    “Sorry,” he said aloud. The angel just chuckled against his temple.  Madigan found his laid-back attitude utterly appealing. He didn’t make him nervous like the rest of them.
    “Not a problem, Madigan. You can get me frazzled later.” Michel  winked. “Wrap your arms around my neck and hold on tight.” It was  nice getting flirted with. Madigan nodded and did as he was bid. He  spared a glance at Cross. The other angel’s expression was perfectly  blank.
    “Dex, follow them out. Make sure that no one attacks from
    behind. The rest of us will surround them and ensure his safety. I’ll
    “What about Bren?” Michel asked as Cross took flight.
    “He’s outside cooling off,” Dex answered, leaping into the air and
    flapping his own wings. “He’ll fly beside you.”
    “You sure about that?” Michel shot back.
    “He will not abandon
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