Trials (The Forever Series, Book 6)

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Book: Trials (The Forever Series, Book 6) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eve Newton
going to want to stay exactly
where he is…with you… his wife .”
    “Erm, for those of us who are finding this hard to follow.
Can you please explain?” Devon ventures.
    “We are from a hundred years in the future,” CK says mildly.
“Seems your Aefre has switched us about somehow.”
    “Why is it our Aefre, err Liv, that switched you about?” he
says, affronted. “How do you know it wasn’t yours?”
    They share a glance, and he clears his throat. “She wouldn’t
have brought us back to this time,” is all he says.
    “What do you mean?” comes the suspicious reply from Lincoln,
“This time?”
    “They can’t say,” Sebastian pipes up. “Anything they do or
say can dramatically change the future.”
    “What are you, some kind of time-travelling expert?” Cole
snaps at him.
    “Have you never seen Back to the Future ?” he
responds. “And you call yourself an actor.”
    “This is ridiculous,” Lincoln says. “Time travel is not
possible. You two have gone off somewhere when you Astralled out of here and
hit your heads or something.”
    “No, Linc. We are who we say we are. We are from 2113,” she
says to him, shaking her head.
    “So you are married now?” Cole says quietly. “How long for?”
    “We can’t tell you that,” she says to him, feeling his pain.
She pulls her hand out of CK’s and goes to him. He lets her, only because he is
    She pulls Cole close to her and hugs him tightly. “We are
still in love,” she whispers to him. “We just aren’t married anymore,” she adds.
He hugs her back fiercely.
    “No, I don’t want to believe this. I don’t want to believe
that you left me,” he says sadly.
    “I didn’t leave you. You left me,” she says and then claps her
hand to her mouth as CK rumbles behind her in warning. “Aefre.”
    “No,” Cole says. “I wouldn’t. I won’t,” he says determinedly
with a look at CK.
    “Aefre, you need to get us out of here, right now,” CK says.
“Before any more damage can be done.”
    “I’ll try,” she says, stepping back.
    “Don’t you know how?” Xane asks, all of a sudden entering
the conversation.
    She shakes her head. “No. Where we come from I never had
this Power.”
    “You will do now as your past self has learned it,” he says.
    She smiles at him and says, “Still giving me direction, I
    He tilts his head at her, “Oh?”
    She ignores him and closes her eyes. Gripping CK’s hand
tightly she tries to find the Power inside her that will take them home. CK is
right. There is no fucking way she wants to live through this time again with
what is coming. They barely made it out alive the first time around.
    “Bring her back,” Cole whispers. “Please bring me my wife
    She concentrates and focuses on the aircraft they were on when
they disappeared, picturing everybody on board, an exact set of everybody here
but with all new roles.
    “You did it,” CK says and she opens her eyes. Back where they
should be. Who knew time travel was just as easy as Astralling?
    2113 – Aefre/Constantine; Liv/Constantine
    “Holy crap!” Devon says as he sees them. “What the fuck is
going on here?”
    “We were pulled away. We are back now,” CK says.
    “By whom?”
    “It doesn’t matter. We are back where we belong, when we
belong, and with whom we belong,” he says to her pointedly.
    Raised voices in the back bring everyone’s attention to the
bedroom. “Who else is here?” she asks in confusion. She stalks over to the
bedroom and opens the door with a gasp.
    “No. Oh shit. CK?” she looks at him and he looks at her.
    “Oh fuck,” he says, as he looks at us arguing heatedly about
something. He pulls her inside and quickly closes the door so the rest don’t
see them. Us. Them.
    We look back at the future us and then CK glares at me. “Oh,
you have really fucked up now, Aefre,” he says.
    She looks just as affronted by that remark as I am and I say,
“I didn’t do this.
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