Touch of the Angel (Demons of Infernum, #3)
spacious penthouse apartment. Four floors down, it was only half the size, but that was more than enough for him and Dagan. They each had their own master suite, and the rooms were far enough apart they couldn’t hear each other from inside.
    “I think you could fit all our residences from Infernum into Keegan’s apartment.” Dagan took a swig from his glass. “Things sure have changed, haven’t they?”
    “No shit,” Keegan said.
    Ronin gave Keegan a pointed look. “Yeah, you’re going to be someone’s dad .”
    Taeg chuckled. “Scary how they let anyone have kids.”
    All kidding aside, Keegan was going to be a great father, not that any of them would ever be mushy enough to tell him so. But he was a natural leader and determined to do everything the complete opposite of how their own father had done it. That alone pretty much guaranteed him Father of the Year status, at least as far as most demons went.
    “Hmm.” Taeg scratched his chin. “Maybe me and Maya should get a place in your building, too. Her apartment is smaller than we’d like.”
    “No way,” Keegan said. “The Village is close enough.”
    “Ha. You know you miss me being around all the time.”
    Keegan sobered and his eyes lowered to the bar top. “If we don’t get some work soon, we may be forced to reevaluate our living situation altogether.”
    A dark cloud settled over them at the truth of Keegan’s words. The Council had granted the four of them permission to relocate to New York City because there were plenty of fugitives to be apprehended in this dimension. If that died down, there was always the possibility one or all of them would be ordered back to Infernum. That would be disastrous for Keegan and Taeg, who’d no doubt go on the lam before giving up their women, and Ronin knew he and Dagan sure as hell didn’t want to be split from their brothers.
    They needed an assignment. Sooner rather than later.
    Taeg dispelled the tension by leaning against the bar. “Have you thought up a name for the baby yet? ’Cause I’m thinking Taeg is a good one. Taegina if it’s a girl.”
    Keegan snorted out a laugh. “You wish.”
    Ronin stared into his glass of whiskey, tuning out his brothers’ banter. He’d be the first to admit he was off his game. Whether due to the possible consequences of their lack of work, the aftereffects of the incident with the succubus, or to the ongoing changes in all their lifestyles, who knew? But something had to give. He couldn’t stay in this slump for much longer. He needed to do something.
    Ronin dragged his barstool back and rose to his feet. His brothers cut off their speech and turned in his direction.
    “Where are you going?” Keegan asked.
    “Bathroom.” He turned and headed toward the restrooms located to the left of the bar, zigzagging his way through the crowd. It was busier than usual for a Tuesday night. Hell, maybe all the demons in New York were concentrating on drinking now instead of committing crimes. Would explain the recent lack of work.
    A big, burly demon with an angry scar on one side of his face edged away from his friends too quickly for Ronin to avoid barreling into him.
    “Sorry,” Ronin said. He tried to sidestep the demon, but the guy must have been in as bad a mood as he was, because he blocked his way.
    “You ran into me, asshole.”
    Ronin stared him down. “And I said I was sorry. What’s your problem?”
    The demon rose to his full height, a full inch or two taller than Ronin—which said a lot since, at four inches over six feet, Ronin was no midget.
    “ You’re my problem.”
    Once upon a time, Ronin would have used his calming energy on him. Though the use of powers on other patrons was prohibited inside Eros, he had a feeling the owner would be more than willing to overlook someone trying to promote harmony. But that particular ability didn’t seem to work anymore.
    One more reminder of how badly he’d fucked up that night at Opiate.
    “Yeah?” he
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