Touch of the Angel (Demons of Infernum, #3)
said in a deceptively mild voice. “So what are you going to do about it?”
    The demon motioned to his buddies, who closed in around him. “I think we’re gonna have to teach you some manners. How’s that sound?”
    Sounded good. Screw harmony. He was itching for a fight. His fingers grazed the hilt of the dagger he always carried strapped to the small of his back. He left it in place. Didn’t need it with these losers.
    Ronin brought his hands to his sides, clenching them into fists while he bared his teeth at the demons. “Bring it.”
    One of the demons growled.
    Ronin tensed, preparing to strike.
    “What’s going on here?”
    Damn it. Leave it to Keegan to go and spoil all his fun. Then again, it was probably payback for the million times he’d stopped his big brother from throwing down.
    “None of your fucking business,” the scarred demon sneered at him. “Unless you want some of what he’s getting, too?”
    “Huh.” Keegan pretended to think about it. “Sounds good to me.”
    “Yeah, me too.”
    Ronin bit back a groan when Taeg stepped up to his other side, flanked by their youngest brother. If there was one thing they could all be counted on, it was to stand up for one another. Whether wanted or not.
    “Hell yeah, I’m in,” Dagan said.
    The demons tensed and gave each other wary glances, apparently weighing the wisdom of going three-on-four with him and his brothers. They were saved from the necessity of a reply by the arrival of Giorgio, one of the bar’s bouncers.
    “Guys, you know there’s no violence on the premises,” he said. “If you want to let loose, you need to take it outside.”
    The scarred demon averted his eyes. “Forget it, we were about to go to another bar anyway.”
    Giorgio nodded and stepped to the side, waiting for them to pass him by.
    “You got lucky. This time,” the demon snarled at Ronin. “Don’t expect the same next time I see you.”
    “Looking forward to it,” Ronin said evenly.
    With one last menacing snarl, the demon and his friends retreated.
    Ronin turned as one with his brothers and watched them go.
    Keegan waited until they were out of sight before turning back to him. “You okay?”
    “Fine,” he snapped.
    Taeg shook his head, and muttered, “Can’t believe you used to be the calm, rational one.”
    “That was before he fucked that succubus,” Dagan said.
    Ronin tensed, irritation springing up inside him. Usually, none of his brothers mentioned the incident; they knew it, and the resulting loss of his calming ability was a major sore spot for him. “I told you to never bring that up aga—”
    A low buzz reverberated throughout the space surrounding them. Keegan’s expression grew hopeful as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “It’s from the Council.”
    Taeg reached inside the inner pocket of his leather jacket. “I got buzzed, too.”
    “Me too,” Dagan said.
    Yeah, so had Ronin. After giving Dagan one last glare, he dug out his cell phone and stared at the screen. As he’d expected, it contained preliminary information on a new assignment. And if they were all alerted about it at the same time, it could only mean one thing.
    Their new fugitive was a real badass.
    For the first time in months, he got a feeling of lightness in his gut—anticipation. A new bad guy to track down. Something else to focus on besides deceitful succubi, lost powers, and the possibility of being forced to leave this dimension.
    “About damn time.”
    He was going to kill her. Not literally, of course. She was too useful for that. But he would be furious. And when he was furious...
    Bad things happened.
    From her seat in the back of the cab, Amara stifled a shiver that had nothing to do with the frigid March temperature buffeting her barely-clad flesh. No, it had everything to do with how Asmodeus would react when she told him she’d failed. He’d gotten worse over the past month, more crazed in his insistence that she complete his assignments.
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