To My Senses  The Nicci Beauvoir Series Book 1
across his chest. “You don’t really believe that,
do you?”
    I sighed. “I’m sure Sammy’s
money, more than Eddie’s brains, got him into that school. I just
hope it doesn’t cause more problems for him by creating
unattainable expectations.”
    He finally retreated to his
chair. “Then this is not the first time she has done this sort of
    “ You know Sammy. Only the
best for her son.”
    “ Well, an overzealous
mother does not explain the boy’s annoying outbursts and sulking
    “ It sounds like your
relationship with him is…strained.” I tried to control my
    “ I just prefer to stay away
from the little bastard.” His voice was cold.
    An uncomfortable silence crept into the
room. The music from the patio brought the pounding rhythm, like a
heartbeat, to distract me from the proximity of the man. I glanced
over to see that he was looking down at the book on his lap.
    When he raised his eyes, he
caught my gaze. “So you are a lover of books?”
    “ Yes,” I replied, relieved
to fill the space between us. “I love to read.”
    “ Really?” He shifted in his
chair. “You don’t look like the kind of girl who would spend her
days locked away with her head in a book.”
    Why not?”
    “ Well you are….” He checked
himself. “Or should I say, you don’t look like a bookworm.” His
gaze glided quickly over my figure.
    I felt an old, familiar fire burn in the pit
of my stomach. The same sensation I always had when I was being
    “ Why? Because I’m not
wearing thick rimmed glasses or dressed like an old maid? So if a
woman is attractive then it would be difficult for you to think of
her as anything other than a bimbo.” I paused and grinned
sarcastically at him. “Do all men typically lump women into two
categories? Tell me, which do you prefer? The booby bimbo or the
ugly bookworm?”
    He smirked. “Well, there is
always plastic surgery, so a woman can be both beautiful and
    “ Oh, I see. Then you must
feel right at home with Sammy and her friends.” I smirked back at
    “ Tell me, Ms. Beauvoir, are
you always so diplomatic?”
    “ Please, call me Nicci.
It’s the least you can do when we’re insulting each
    “ Somehow, I don’t think
anyone would consider you a bookworm. Bookworms are withdrawn and
avoid confrontation. I think you like confrontation.”
    “ Let’s just say I don’t
care who I offend.” I leaned against a nearby bookcase. “I grew up
in the most rigorous of fishbowls, Mr. Alexander, and I have never
done what is expected of me. I don’t like being placed in a mold
and I have spent most of my life trying to break free of
stereotypes.” I paused and looked his face over, warily. “We may be
in the twenty-first century, but many of the people I know are
still living in ancient times.”
    He held my gaze for what
seemed like an eternity before he spoke. “You don’t have to defend
yourself to me. I can see you aren’t one to wither under pressure
and follow the crowd. It is a very admirable quality.”
    “ My father calls it my
stubborn streak.” I laughed, starting to feel a little more
    “ Maybe to those who do not
understand you. People with goals don’t let anything or anyone get
in their way.”
    I took a seat in the chair across from him.
The soft leather gave beneath my body. His eyes followed my every
    “ You have your whole life
planned, don’t you, Nicci?”
    “ Is there anything wrong
with that?”
    “ No, not at all. There are
too many who never plan. Never stick to their dreams.” He paused
and tilted his head slightly to the left, still watching me. “When
we last met we talked about dreams, I believe.”
    “ You have a good
    “ Only for interesting
people.” He leaned a little closer to me. “You told me people never
bothered to get to know you or your dreams. But I want to get to
know you, Nicci, and therefore I should know all about
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