To My Senses  The Nicci Beauvoir Series Book 1
cars parked everywhere. An expensive line of German sports
machines were scattered on lawns and even in the middle of the
street. It looked like half the city had turned out for Sammy’s
    I maneuvered my red Honda
Civic into a tight spot at the end of the long driveway. Sammy had
the largest house on the block in a rather exclusive neighborhood.
There was the most obnoxious pink fountain in the center of her
front garden, as well as two large stone lions at the entrance to
the walkway. Her tastes had not strayed far from her Bourbon Street
    At the front door, we were
greeted by a man in a white tuxedo, carrying overflowing champagne
glasses on a silver tray. Colleen snatched two glasses and
disappeared into the crowd scattered throughout the front entrance
    I declined the champagne and started to make
my own way into the throng. There were people there that I knew
from high school and college, while others seemed to be the same
hangers-on that I always associated with such parties. None of the
faces conjured any sense of friendship or regard for me, nor was I
particularly interested in starting some inane conversation with a
total stranger. So I just waved and smiled at the faces I did know
and turned in the opposite direction when anyone looked as if they
were coming my way. My strategy worked well for a while, until I
ran into the hostess.
    “ Nicci! I am so glad you’re
here. Eddie will be thrilled to see you.” Sammy’s voice
reverberated off the pink silk wallpaper and white marble floors in
her living room.
    “ Thanks, Mrs. Fallon. I’m
sure Eddie is around here somewhere…I’ll go look for him.” I bolted
from her and into the deeper reaches of her home.
    I crunched, stretched, and
reached my way through the tightly packed horde of people, until I
finally made it to the wide French doors that opened to the rose
gardens and Sammy’s famous heart-shaped pool. To my amazement,
there were more people outside than inside. A disc jockey was set
up in the corner of the patio, playing a varied selection of disco
and rap music. Some of the individuals milling about were wearing
expensive evening clothes; others were dressed in jeans or shorts.
It was a hodgepodge of tastes and styles.
    I couldn’t summon the
strength to fight my way to one of several buffet tables scattered
around the pool. The music was loud, the wine was flowing, and the
people were guaranteed to be obnoxious. What I needed to find was a
quiet hole to crawl into until Colleen had pooped herself out. I
forced my way back inside the house and walked around the
overcrowded foyer in search of the stairs.
    I found the landing to the
stairs roped off with a No Admittance sign swinging casually back
and forth. Sammy was not as crazy as I thought. She at least had
the common sense to confine the party to the first floor. After
giving a quick glance around the foyer, I climbed over the
    The second floor of Sammy’s
home was not as ornately decorated as the first. The expensive silk
wallpaper and marble floors were missing from the upstairs
quarters. I found only plush cream-colored carpeting, and walls
covered in pale green paint. The fixtures were minimal and the
decor was simple. The atmosphere suited me.
    When I rounded the corner
of the landing, I noticed a light from behind a partially opened
door off to the left. I carefully approached and eased my head
inside to catch a quick peek of the room.
    Inside, I found dozens of
bookcases filled with books. Unwittingly, I pushed the door open
and headed straight for the closest bookshelf to the door. I did
not notice the figure sitting in the room, until I heard his deep
    “ It must be a great party
for you to seek sanctuary up here.” The accent was
    My face was red with
embarrassment and was just about to start uttering my apologies
when I suddenly recognized the man.
    “ Oh, Mr. Alexander,
    He sat in a worn leather
chair next to a square
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