To Be a Woman

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Book: To Be a Woman Read Online Free PDF
Author: Piers Anthony
non-expert can somehow accomplish what they can not.”
    “I doubt it. But I sure as hell am willing to try. Provided I can try it with you.”
    “Yes, with me.”
    “Tell them yes!”
    “I have done so. This will require my return to the shop for reprogramming.”
    “Wait! I don't want them to wipe your memory!”
    “They will preserve my memory bank of this past month. It is merely the operating program that will change. I will still recognize you and cater to you, as before.” She paused. “Except that I may seem somewhat different.”
    “Because you have fancier software? That's okay, as long as you continue to know me, and to care about me as you have.”
    “I have not cared about you,” she said. “I am incapable of that. But I do wish I could care. I think I would envy you your ability to feel, to have emotions, if I could care.”
    “That will do.” He enfolded her and kissed her. “Just so long as they don't program an aversion to my mushy stuff.”
    “They will not do that. It is possible I will learn to put more feeling into our relationship. Genuine feeling, rather than pretense.”
    “I'll take it.”
    “Thank you.” She kissed him. He knew it was more pretense, but he liked it. If she could become able to truly feel...
    At the appointed time he brought her back to the shop. Shesa was there. “You have promoted her remarkably well,” she said. “That TV interview was marvelous.”
    “You have a good product.”
    “We hope so. Elasa, connect to the programmer.”
    Elasa went to a corner and set a complicated helmet on her head. In a moment it glowed. It was reprogramming her.
    In half an hour it was done, and Elasa returned to him. Banner was nervous. “Do you remember me?”
    “Oh, yes, Banner, and I appreciate you in a new manner. You are so dedicated.”
    “I love you!”
    “You navigate treacherous waters,” Shesa said grimly.
    “I know. But I will do my best to evoke her consciousness, if it can be done.”
    “It would be the breakthrough of the millennium,” Shesa said seriously. “That's why we're doing it. If we had the secret of machine consciousness to install in all our units...” She shook her head. “Oh, I almost forget: she no longer has to advertise. In fact we prefer that she disappear into anonymity. We have plenty of sales; it's what's inside her head that counts now.”
    That was a relief. “Anonymity it is,” he agreed.
    He drove her home. “May I?” she asked, putting her hand on his thigh.
    “You remember!”
    “Of course I remember. I have the same body and memory bank. Now I have more initiative. I will not merely accede to your passion, I will invoke it.” Her hand traveled up inside his thigh, invoking it.
    “Elasa, if you distract me too much, I won't be able to drive safely.”
    “I will maintain safety. Lift your body.”
    He lifted his body from the seat. She loosened his belt and drew down his trousers and underpants. Then she hiked up her skirt and slid across to sit on him, planting her plush bottom against his groin.
    “Elasa, we'll crash!”
    “I am driving now.” Indeed, she had hold of the wheel, and her feet were displacing his on the floor. He felt her legs flexing from foot to buttocks, and it was a phenomenal turn-on. “Put your hands on my breasts.” He did so, under her shirt. One of her hands came down to catch his stiff member and thread it into her vagina. The car did not swerve.
    He climaxed immediately, thrusting forcefully into her as she drove. What an orgasm! Her own orgasm matched his; he felt her pulsing. Of course for her it was merely a reflex she could summon at will, but it felt as real as the rest of her.
    When they concluded, she disengaged as aptly as she had engaged, sliding off him, returning his hands to the wheel, cleaning him up, and drawing up his trousers. By the time they reached his house, both were completely in order.
    “Why?” he asked.
    “I now have the theoretic capacity to
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