Time Will Tell

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Book: Time Will Tell Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jody Morse
Tags: Vampires
be in love with each other.” She smiled wistfully. “You never thought any of my boyfriends were good for me, and you know what? Maybe none of them were. Maybe I chose the wrong guys, but Danny . . . Gabe is the right guy for me. I can feel it.”
    “Caroline, you barely know him.” Dan sighed. “You know what? I’m going to call Mom. She and Dad are paying for your rent until you find a job. If they know you’re planning to live with someone—a vampire, no less—ther e’s no way they’ll pay for it.”
    Caroline glared at him. “You wouldn’t do that.”
    “Just watch me,” Dan said, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket.
    Caroline darted over to him and grabbed his cell phone from his hands. “If you call Mom and Dad about this, I’ll never speak to you again, Danny. I won’t . . . I swear. This is the first time I’ve ever truly believed I have a shot at happiness. If you ruin this for me, I will hate you forever.” She handed his phone back to him and crossed his arms over her chest, waiting to see what he was going to do.
    After a moment, Dan sighed and stuffed his phone back inside his pocket before standing up and storming off to the guest bedroom he and Lexi shared with one another.
    Caroline glanced over at Lexi. “Do you think I’m wrong? For moving in with Gabe so early?”
    Lexi hesitated. She knew that if she gave Caroline the advice that she wanted to give, Dan was going to be angry at her. But she also didn’t want Caroline to be angry with her, either, because she actually liked Dan’s sister. Sighing, she said, in a lowered voice, “I think you should do whatever will make you happy. Dan will come around eventually. He might not trust Gabe right now, but . . . you’re his sister. He cares about you. He does want you to be happy.”
    Caroline smiled. “I know he does.” Hesitantly, she asked, “What about you, Lexi?”
    “What about me?” Lexi asked, raising her eyebrows.
    “Do you trust Gabe?” Caroline questioned. She studied Lexi’s face for a reaction.
    Lexi darted her eyes away from Caroline, fixating her gaze on the granite countertop. This was one of the most difficult questions that she’d ever had to answer. A part of her really hated Gabe for what he had done to Justin. It hadn’t been fair for Gabe to kill him out of pure jealousy, but . . . at the same time, Lexi knew that Gabe never would have hurt her when they were together. Well, except for that one time when he had tried to kill her, but in his own strange way, he had really been trying to help.
    Lexi turned to Caroline. “Don’t tell Dan, okay?” she whispered. When Caroline nodded, Lexi said, “If I were you, I would trust Gabe. I don’t think he would ever do anything to hurt you.”
    Beaming, Caroline ran over to Lexi and wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. “Thank you so much, Lexi! It means so much to me that you’re being so supportive of us when nobody else is. I better get the car loaded up, though. I want us to head out of here sometime in the next two hours. I’ll come say goodbye to you and Danny before we leave.”
    “Okay,” Lexi said with a nod and a small smile. As she watched Caroline bounce away from her and up the stairs, Lexi only hoped that she had given Dan’s sister the right advice.

    Chapter 10
    Anna sat at the round cafeteria table the next afternoon, munching on her spinach salad. The cafeteria had been slim pickings, especially for someone who didn’t like red meat. That morning, Anna had eaten a bowl of oatmeal—well, sort of. She’d been too nervous to really eat anything, so she had just swirled the cinnamon and blueberries around in the plastic bowl.
    Today was the day that would determine the rest of her life. She would find out today if she was going to become a vampire, or if she was going to remain a mortal.
    To say that she was nervous to find out would be an understatement. Anna wasn’t just nervous; part of her wanted to walk
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