Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3)

Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nella Tyler
be visiting me at my apartment unannounced. So who could it
be? I was considering ignoring it, when a second knock sounded. I closed my
textbook and crawled out of bed. Heading out of my bedroom, I made my way to
the front door. I opened it and my mouth fell open, as well. There was Bennett
standing there with a smile on his face.
    “Bennett, what are you doing here?”
    I couldn't have been more confused.
    “I came here to see you, silly. I missed you – I was
missing you like crazy actually, so I figured I would stop in and see what you
were up to.”
    I knew that Bennett had baseball practice that morning, so I
was thoroughly perplexed as to why he was at my apartment. There had been no
cancellations. I would have seen him that night anyways, so I couldn't shake
the feeling that something was wrong.
    “Well are you going to let me in?” he asked as he kissed me
on the cheek. I moved aside to let him in.
    “Bennett, don't you have baseball practice? What are you
doing here? I'm pretty sure it's going on right now.”
    “Ahh, I didn't feel like going today. They can handle things
without me for the day.”
    “What are you talking about? That's your practice for the
games. You're in training.”
    “I know, baby. But it's just one practice; really it's not a
big deal. I would rather spend the time with you, instead.”
    I smiled, feeling flattered that he would blow off practice
for me. I didn't think it was a good idea, but I didn't know how to tell him
that without sounding like his mother. He shouldn't be blowing off practices
because they were important components to his training for the league. Plus, it
didn't look well to the coach or scouts that you weren't there on your practice
    He looked so happy there in my apartment, though, that I
didn't want to ruin his mood, nor did I want us to get into a fight. He was a
big boy, surely he could determine if it was okay to miss a practice or not.
Plus, Connie was just telling me not to worry about stuff like that, to go with
the flow and enjoy today.
    “Are you sure you shouldn't go?” I tried again.
    “It's all good, Emmi. How about we go grab some lunch?”
    Maybe it was just a whimsical break in the routine we had
been going off of lately. It didn't hurt to go have lunch with him, it was only
one practice and he had natural talent, so what did it matter?
    “Sure, where would you like to go?”

    Going out for a drink with Bennett turned out to be a great
idea. We had a delicious steak at a local steakhouse. It had been his choice,
of course. Lunch was fabulous, though; the salad tasted fresh and I treated
myself to the most delicious chocolate espresso cake. Two desserts in one week?
I would need to consider going for a run that night, just to be safe. I even
shared some of it with Bennett, however begrudgingly. We talked the whole time
about music and movies and books that we loved. He listened attentively to
everything I said and while talking to him, it often surprised how we could
just start feeling like we were just getting to know each other all over again.
I loved these long talks with Bennett. It made me think that I could have a
real future with someone I wouldn't grow bored of. I couldn't have been happier
that I met him. I had also completely forgotten about the fact that he skipped
practice and I was supposed to be studying, I was having such a great time.
    After lunch, we just toured the city on foot, not knowing
where we were going or where we would end up. We visited bookstores and cafés
and went shopping at the sports store where Bennett purchased a few items for
his next practice.
    The night was fabulous, as well. We stayed together the
entire time. My favorite part was just sitting on the bench outside of a store
and talking. When we finally ended up at my apartment, I was exhausted. I had
planned on sleeping in the next morning, and then heading into school for another
day of hitting the books.
    We went straight for the bedroom,
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