Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3)

Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nella Tyler
there the third time. I couldn't bring
myself to say anything again. He knew how I felt about it from our last
conversation and I wasn't sure why he didn't see how important practice was.
Yes, Bennett had a natural talent that allowed him to get away with more than
others, but three practices? It was just unheard of for a player to miss so much
time on field when he had the hopes of going pro.
    I didn't want him to think I was pushing him away or didn't
want to spend time with him because that wasn't the case at all. I loved every
moment I had with him and that was why it was so hard to have those talks with
him. But I was starting to feel helpless because I didn't want him to mess up
his career because of me.
    Normally I would have asked Connie for some advice, but I
couldn't do it this time. I knew exactly what she would say to me. That he was
doing something wrong and I needed to say something to him. She would tell me
he was being ridiculous and needed to get back on the field to practice. And I
knew all these things were true, I just didn't know how to tell Bennett. I felt
like I had already spoke my mind and he knew how I felt about it, so why keep
bringing it up? I didn't want those talks to push him away from me and never
come back.
    I didn't know what to do, I just felt so helpless.

    Chapter Nine

    I looked at Bennett in dismay the fourth time he showed up
at my door on a Saturday morning. I knew damn well he was supposed to be at
practice, and I was beginning to think that he must be on some kind of
self-destructive path, though I couldn't imagine why he would be. This was his
dream, the one that he had been fighting for all this time. Through all those
allegations, he had been fighting for that very career and now he was risking
it just for some pillow talk with me – it just didn't make any sense.
    “Bennett, what on earth are you doing here? This has gone on
long enough. You have to be at practice, this is your career. Why are you
missing the practices?”
    He frowned. “Come on, babe. Don't be like that. I missed you
so much. As soon as I got up this morning, I was dying to see you. Why are you
making me feel bad?”
    My heart melted a little. “Bennett, that is sweet as hell.
But seriously, what are you doing here? You can miss me during practice and
then come over.”
    I was trying to stay as calm as possible, but I was totally
and completely freaking out on the inside.
    “Please, Bennett.”
    “Look, sweetheart, we don't have time for this right now. I
have set up a wonderful lunch for us and the reservation won't wait forever.
I'm not in the big times yet.”
    “Reservation? What are you talking about?”
    “Come on, get your things. Let's go, beautiful.”
    I grabbed my purse and slipped on some sandals before he
whisked me out of the apartment without another word. I was speechless during
the whole ride to the restaurant.
    “Where are we going?”
    “Our special spot, of course.”
    He was speaking about a restaurant we had been to a few
times recently that had the best lamb I had ever tasted. It had become our
special spot because we went there so regularly and they treated us so well.
The owner happened to be a baseball fan and treated Bennett like he was already
in the big leagues.
    I considered bringing up the practice on the drive there,
but he seemed so excited about being with me that I felt bad at the thought of
criticizing him.

    I sat sipping a glass of white wine at our table on the
balcony when I saw Bennett approaching the table, coming back from the
    “I went ahead and ordered a bottle of white wine, I hope you
don't mind.”
    “Of course I don't, Emmi. You can have anything you want.”
    Except a boyfriend that attends practices when he is
supposed to? I kept that thought to myself, although many such thoughts were
just sitting on the tip of my tongue.
    “Thank you, Emmi, for being so supportive of my career and
everything that I do with it. I have been so
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