Three Thousand Miles

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Book: Three Thousand Miles Read Online Free PDF
Author: Deila Longford
has something to say and I fear what she has to say . Will she feel for Adrian or will she despise him?
    “Alanna , I had no idea that his life was as bad as that . H ow did he make the millions he has today? And where is his mother now?”
    “H is m other is here in New York . H e has not seen her since he was twelve, when h e was fourteen Mr Jenkins adopted him. H e showed him how to deal in business and help him to establish his own company . Adrian owes everything to him .” M y words feel like distant memories , It was not so long ago that Adrian was telling me all this . Yet it seems as if a lifetime has passed between then and now. I worry that I will forget him the longer that we are apart. 
    “I don’t know what to say , I feel sorry for the guy . Alanna , he must have some kind of issues about this?” I shift nervously around and I can see that my mom has picked up on it.
    “ Alanna , is th ere something more that you would like to tell me about him?” she says, as she looks deep into my eyes.
    “No , I just want you to understand how I feel about everything . T he parties and the high society crowd do not interest me anymore . I have realised that life is more important and I can’t be drawn into that lifestyle anymore . N ot when I know how hard life is for other people . ”
    “Alanna you have always cared too much about other people but that’s just who you are h owever , I don’t want you to miss out on life because you feel guilty . ” I sigh and I know that my mom is right in what she is saying. I know that I am not a bad person and going to a glamorous party will not make me a villain . H owever that does not stop the aches of guilt that I have on how selfish these parties and people can be. While they sip on their champagne , and talk about their trips to Paris , somewhere out there an innocent child is going through what Adrian has. That feeling takes over my body, I begin to despise the people around me and th eir selfish ways , and all I feel like doing is rushing out and helping those who are in need.
    “I am not missing out on life , but the priorities in my life have changed . I am not the same girl that I used to be . ”
    “I can see that Alanna and I am very proud of you for caring so much about others . B ut I still feel that you need to concentrate on you and especially now .” M y mom takes my hand and I can see that she does have my best interests in mind so I look her and I say .
    “I will focus on myself but I can’t give up on Adrian .” S he rolls her eyes slightly and fidgets with her skirt. I feel that she has more to say an d I want everything to be out, so I am going to quiz her on how she really feels.
    “You look as if you have something more to say,” I say looking her directly in the eye as I sit up further in the bed. My mom mov es back from me a little.
    “H ave you ever considered Michael as an option?” I am shocked at her words and I feel that I want to know on how she feels about Michael .
    “What about Michael?” I have an idea of what she will say , but I ask anyway as I want it to be clear .
    “He clearly cares for you and I feel that he would be a better choice for you . I don’t feel that would take the control as much as Adrian and possibly you would have a better life with Michael . ” I listen to her speak and I cannot process what she says . W hy would she think that I would be better off with Michael? I do not understand why she would want me to choose him over Adrian has she listened to anything that I have said?
    “Why would you want me to be with him?”
    “Because he loves you and he saved your life . S ur e ly you can see that now you are bonded with him and trust me you will not get over a thing like that. Every day you live , every time you breathe , you will owe all that to him and I could never imagine Adrian living up to that . ” I hold my head in my hands , is what she saying true? Will I treat Adrian differently after what
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