Cleopatra: A Life

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Author: Stacy Schiff
Similarly Foertmeyer, 224; Plutarch, “Crassus,” XXI.6; Préaux, 1939, 561.
46. On the Rome of foul air and poor hygiene, and on the idyllic Janiculum: Leon Homo,
Rome impériale et l’urbanisme dans l’antiquité
(Paris: Albin Michel, 1951); Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
Roman Antiquities,
III.xlv; Horace, Odes, II.29, 9–12; Martial,
, IV.64. Otherwise Cicero remains the best guide to Rome. The stray hand and ox: Suetonius, “Vespasian,” 5.4.
47. “Only the priests” : JC, LIX (ML translation).
48. “the only intelligent calendar” : O. Neugebauer,
The Exact Sciences in Antiquity
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952), 71. For the Egyptian calendar (twelve months of thirty days, to which were added five days, and at the end of every fourth year six days), see Strabo, 17.1.29.
49. “to make them more desirous” : DJ, XLII.
50. “Easier for two philosophers” : Seneca,
51. On the Roman triumph : Appian, Dio, Florus, Suetonius, and Mary Beard’s superb
The Roman Triumph
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007).
52. “the most fortunate captive” : JC, LV.2.
53. “a woman and once considered” : Dio, XLIII.xix.3–4.
54. infants or chickens : On the political and legal rights of women, Mary Beard and Michael Crawford,
Rome in the Late Republic
(London: Duckworth, 2005), 41.
55. hundred swordsmen : Cicero to Quintus, 12.2 (II.9), June 56.
56. “Even if his slaves” to “carvers”: Juvenal, Satire 9, 100ff.
57. “absolutely devoted” to “bloom of youth”: Dio, XLIII.xliii.4.
58. “among the friends and allies” : Dio, XLIII.xxviii.1. Gruen, 1984, 259, challenges the date of the statue’s installation. He moves it forward by some fifteen years, to make it a tribute not to C but to her defeat.
59. “No one dances” : Cicero,
Pro Murena,
13; translation from Otto Kiefer,
Sexual Life in Ancient Rome
(New York: Dorset Press, 1993), 166. As Athenaeus points out by contrast, “No other people are recorded as being more musical than the Alexandrians” (IV.176e).
60. “You have to be a very rich” : Juvenal, Satire 3, 236. The flying pots are also his, Ibid., 270ff.
61. “Otherwise he wouldn’t be so good” : Plutarch citing Antisthenes, “Pericles,” I.5.
62. “not a real man” : Athenaeus, V.206d.
63. “superficially civilized” : Lucan, in P. F. Widdows’s translation (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988), 544.
64. “the last word” : Casson, 1998, 104.
65. “idle and foolish” : NH, XXXVI.xvi.75. In the Loeb, “They rank as a superfluous and foolish display of wealth.”
66. Greek and Latin : Quintilian acknowledges that the world sounded harsher in Latin, shorn as it was of the sweetest Greek letters, with which “the language at once seems to brighten us up and smile” (12.10).
67. word… for “not possessing” : Seneca, Epistle LXXXVII.40.
68. “gold-inlay utensils” : Dalby, 2000, 123. Dalby notes that a Greek accent alone carried with it a whiff of luxury, 122. Similarly Dio, LVII.xv.3; Valerius, Book IX, 1, “Of Luxury and Lust.” It seemed impossible to describe excess without recourse to Greek. It is Dalby who observes that “the classic practical manual of sexual behavior was in Greek, 123.
69. On the rise of luxury: Livy, 39.6; NH, XXXVI; Plutarch, “Caius Marius,” 34; Athenaeus, XII; Horace, Odes II, xv; Dalby, 2000; Wiseman, 1985, 102ff.
70. The stolen napkins : Catullus, Poems, 12 and 25; NH, 19.2.
71. the beautiful vase of poisonous snakes : Saint Jerome, cited in Jasper Griffin, “Virgil Lives!,”
New York Review of Books
( June 26, 2008): 24.
72. Women in Rome : Richard A. Bauman,
Women and Politics in Ancient Rome
(London: Routledge, 1992); Diana E. E. Kleiner and Susan B. Matheson, eds.,
I Claudia: Women in Ancient Rome
(New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1996); Barbara S. Lesko, “Women’s Monumental Mark on Ancient Egypt,”
Biblical Archeologist
54, no. 1 (1991), 4–15; Rawson, 1985; Marilyn
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