This Girl Stripped

This Girl Stripped Read Online Free PDF

Book: This Girl Stripped Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dawn Robertson
as he stands and makes his way for my bedroom door. He’s a man on a mission and I don't know what to do to stop him.
    “River please! Come back to me!” I plead with him. He stops dead in his tracks and slowly turns to me. His face is no longer hardened. His dark expression is back to the bright eyes I’m slowly falling for and he stalks back across the room.
    “Paisley, I’ll never leave you, especially when you need me.” He pauses and runs his fingers through his dark spiked hair then kneels in front of me as I continue to sit on the bed with my legs hanging off the side. “If you need me, I’ll stay. But I need to take care of this.” I nod and he stands. In an instant he’s gone again and I’m alone on my bed completely confused by everything that he just said to me.

    “Can someone pass the mashed potatoes?” River asks. He sits next to me at the sprawling Thanksgiving dinner table, often hovering within my personal space. I should be annoyed or feel crowded, but I don’t. I continue to push the pile of food around on my plate, pretending I have an actual appetite. No one but River has noticed. He won't leave my side. As Zane continues to slink around the house and stare daggers through me, River stands guard like an over protective boyfriend. As if.
    “Gladly, brother .” Zane says as he picks up the large ceramic bowl full of potatoes in front of him and stalks around the table, never once taking his eyes off of me. My body stiffens as he grows closer. Every step sends my anxiety to near nuclear levels. Thankfully, no one is paying attention to us. I just want dinner to be over so I can go lock myself back in my room without anyone complaining. Far away from the crowd I didn't want to deal with and the one man who had made my life a waking nightmare.
    My mind continues to race. No matter how much I try and relax I can't help but continue to think of the fact that Zane is Chrome and River's brother. Their fucking brother. What are the chances? Why me?
    Should I be worried for my sister, Star? Is Chrome as much of a monster as Zane? Is River the same way? The bowl of potatoes slam onto the table, and snap me from my thoughts. River mutters thanks, and Zane stalks back around to the other side of the table. Seven sits next to him on one side, Star on the other. Both completely oblivious to the trouble brewing in the room.
    “Star this has been fantastic, but I think I’m going to go for a walk. I need some fresh air.” I push my chair back from the table and River stands the moment my chair scrapes across the hardwood floors. I move.
    “Paisley, you hardly ate.” Star complains as she stands as well. All the eyes at the table ping-pong back and forth between the two of us. She’s upset and I’m assuming it’s because she probably believes I think her cooking sucked or something. It’s her self-conscious nature kicking in; believe me, I know all about it.
    “I'm just not feelin' all that great,” Seven's knowing gaze falls on me, and she interjects in my defense.
    “She’s been a little under the weather, Star. Maybe some fresh air is exactly what she needs.” I’m nervous and I begin to bite on my bottom lip. Pulling a strand of my red locks free, I twirl it around my finger until it turns into a knot. River pulls my chair back and places a hand on my lower back; shooting daggers at Zane across the table.
    “I'll join you, Paisley.” I want to pretend like his hand on my back doesn't send a shiver through my core. Everything about him screams run into the safety of his arms. But, I know I need to keep him at arms-length. I can't handle him. I can't handle my life in general. Adding him into the mix wouldn’t do any good, especially since our families are so intertwined at this point.
    “On second thought, I think I’m going to go lay down.” I turn and make a run for the stairs. Once I’m inside the safety of my bedroom, I lock the door and curl up into a ball on the bed once again.
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