kind of love you like to fancy yourself in every other day. I plan to marry a steady girl who will raise my children and do her duty by me and the family. I do not need the other benefits.”
Jack looked stricken, unable to believe what his brother had just pronounced. “But she is at least beautiful?”
Miles smiled. “Oh yes, she sounds quite like your fair beauty from home.” Miles saw Jack's eyes light up. “But she is mine , brother. Do not even think about whisking her away from me.”
“What is her name? Tell me everything about her.”
“Her name is Catherine Masters and she is a petite blond woman.”
“How are her eyes?”
“Her eyes?”
“Yes, her eyes! What color are they? They are the windows to the soul, as the saying goes.”
Miles thought hard. What color were Miss Catherine's eyes? He had not considered their color, only that whatever it was suited her completely and enhanced the picture of loveliness she created.
“I do not know what color they are.”
“Miles!” Jack exclaimed. “But I guess that is to be expected from one without a spare thought for dreaming or love.”
“Not fair, brother,” Miles laughed at Jack. “I dream plenty, but I reserve that for my bed. When you meet her, look at the color of her eyes and report back to me. You seem very much more concerned with it than I am.” The brothers went silent, lost in thoughts of beautiful blond-haired women.
“So,” Jack interrupted the comfortable quiet that had fallen over them, “if I am to meet this beauty and not fall in love with her, what shall I occupy myself with while I am in town?”
Miles was recalled to the plan he had formed earlier. “Well, I do have a favor to ask of you.”
“I'm listening.”
“Miss Catherine has an older sister who also acts as her chaperone.”
“Is she beautiful, too? I would not so much mind an older woman, I think...”
“No,” Miles said decidedly, whether to answer his brother's question or simply quell the mischievous look that had come into Jack's eye, Miles himself did not know.
“She's not beautiful? What a pity. But still, perhaps I shall fall in love with her anyway. Perhaps she likes poetry and love and as much as I do. Is she an old matron with a lonely soul? Beauty fades, you know.”
“Jack,” Miles rolled his eyes. “Leave off of love for a moment. The elder Miss Masters is...” he did not want to be uncharitable, “... quite plump and she does not like me too well, though I am not entirely sure why that is.” He did know why but it was too much to explain to Jack now.
“You have probably injured her in some way. Or perhaps she simply does not like your looks.” Jack giggled.
“I believe it might be a grudge from a long time ago.” His brother did not press him to explain. “So, will you accompany us to the park in two days?”
“Yes. I feel that I must try to clear the Shepherd name, after whatever damage you have done to it with the elder Miss Masters,” Jack nodded.
Miles was doubtful of Jack's ability to change Isobel Masters' mind, but he welcomed the distraction his brother could provide for the woman who hated him while Miles was wooing her sister. He could keep his eye on Jack, as mother had clearly intended, and work on marrying Miss Catherine at the same time. Mother would be happy on both counts. Jack would be happy to be around a beautiful woman and perhaps to talk poetry with Miss Masters. And Miles would be content to do his duty in all things.
Chapter 6
Isobel was trying her best to enjoy herself. The day was fine and she was on her way to the park. Forget the fact that she was in Lord Revere's barouche and Cat was sitting a little too close to him on the front seat. Mr. Jack Shepherd sat beside Isobel in the back. Though the men had said it was Mr. Shepherd’s pleasure to ride with them, Isobel had quickly guessed that Lord Revere's younger brother was meant to keep her occupied while Lord Revere made up to