The Vampire...In My Dreams

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Book: The Vampire...In My Dreams Read Online Free PDF
Author: Terry Spear
    His dark brows furrowed. “Trouble like me.”
    Taking a deep settling breath, I touched the bruises already discoloring his throat in shades of black and blue. “I’m sure no one in my family would have expected me to have this kind of trouble, but for your own safety, you can stay here until Friday. How is your throat? Can I—”
    “One of the advantages of being…” His words trailed off for a second, then he cleared his gravelly throat. “We heal at accelerated rates.”
    “Oh.” I tried to keep my reaction neutral when it came to discussing his—differences, but I’m sure my eyes widened a little.
    He kept his distance, though we only stood an arm’s length away, yet he seemed to want to draw closer. Finally he said, “I want to thank you for your help, Marissa. Only my lifemate would have been able to rescue me.”
    Although gladdened he felt I was so useful, I really didn’t feel that way about my capabilities. I’d been lucky, that’s all. “I couldn’t let her hurt you, Dominic.”
    “Because we’re connect—”
    Silencing him with a shake of my head, I did not want to hear anything more about our fate being written in the stars. I didn’t believe it for one instant. Witches married warlocks and that was that. Any that made the mistake of marrying a human diluted the magical abilities in their gene pool, and their mixed children suffered. Though, my magic wasn’t all that great, and both my parents were magic users—guess it went to show there’s a dud in every bunch. Still, the idea of marrying a vampiric human was scandalous. What kind of children would that spawn? Or would it even be possible? And why was I even thinking about such a thing?
    He gently rubbed his wrists where Lynetta had savagely gripped him. “Where can I sleep?”
    “Do you have to sleep with your dirt? Or a coffin?”
    At the notion, he grimaced. “A room without rays of sunlight filtering in will do. And no, I don’t sleep with a pile of dirt.” He shook his head. “Old wives’ tales.”
    “You can sleep in the guestroom next to mine. It’s all frilly and purple, but the only other bedroom is my parents’ and—”
    The phone rang, jangling my already frayed nerves. I grabbed the phone and read the Caller ID. “My Aunt Betsy,” I whispered as if she could hear me. I punched the on button. “Hello?”
    “Marissa. I’ve been worried sick about you.”
    “Oh, I’m so sorry, Aunt Betsy. You know Kate. She led me on a wild goose chase searching for vampires.” I winked at Dominic, and he smiled back at me. He had the most gorgeous smile, but not a tooth too big or wicked at all, making me wonder where he kept his fangs tucked away.
    Silence met my ear and I knew at once something was wrong. My aunt had never been a worrywart, in fact I was lucky that none of my family had that dysfunction. “Aunt Betsy?”
    “Something killed five humans and drained the blood from them. The police are trying to keep everyone from panicking. They’re saying it’s some sicko pretending to be a vampire.”
    My blood chilled and I stared at Dominic. Could he have been in on the killings?
    He folded his arms and shook his head.
    I gulped, my thoughts a jumble while I considered what I’d been thinking earlier when I’d first spied him. Had he read my mind?
    He nodded, a small smile curving his lips and a glitter of amusement sparkling in his dark brown eyes.
    My heart dropped ten stories. Jeez, what in the world had I said—no, not said, but thought—about him?
    “Marissa? Are you still there, dear?” Aunt Betsy’s concerned voice brought me crashing back to earth.
    I swallowed hard, but my throat had dried up like Texas did in the middle of a drought-ridden summer. “Uhm, yes, okay, well, uhm, we’ll be extra careful, and it’s getting really late so I need to—”
    “You and Kate aren’t to go out at night without a proper chaperone until the criminal is caught,” Aunt Betsy warned.
    I looked at
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