immediately sagged back.
Soft shivers rolled through Edeen, her skin puckering from the cold air and dampness of her wet dress. Glancing at each other, she and Alex each took one of Roque’s arms and hauled him to his feet.
“You all right?” Alex asked.
Roque nodded, mouth tight, and held a tight palm against his side.
Edeen remained quiet, recognizing the frustration for what it was. She had three brothers, and not one handled being laid low by illness or injury well.
The overgrown infants.
And if Roque was accustomed to healing quickly, facing any weakness ‘twould be new and doubly frustrating for him.
Alex squinted up into the tight hole. “This is good. Even if Geschopf or any of his men found the underwater entrance I doubt they’d pick this slash as the tunnel to follow.”
Roque stepped up onto a boulder and braced his arms to pull himself up. “Don’t underestimate the man. Has the nose of a damned bloodhound.”
“But surely the water—” Alex started.
Roque turned back, his face stern. “Do not underestimate him.”
Alex swallowed…and nodded before locking his hands together to give Roque a higher boost up.
Setting his foot in Alex’s hands, he braced shaking arms on the lip of the hole, and Roque scrambled up inside and disappeared from view.
There were some scraping noises and the light source lifted to the ceiling, withdrew, then angled outward so Edeen and Alex could better see.
“All right, luv, come on up.”
Before she could even respond, Alex took her around the waist and lifted. Damn skirts got in the way again, the wet fabric pooling under her knees as she landed. She had to release the folds to crawl out of the way, moving just as Alex tossed the bag up, took a running leap and scrambled up.
Bunching up the filthy sagging skirts around her thighs, Edeen crawled to the point where the tunnel opened up in height, though there was room only to walk two men abreast.
Roque was on his feet, though barely. Leaning against the wall, head hanging so low his chin touched the top of his chest.
Standing and dropping her skirts, Edeen went to him, tucking herself beneath his arm. She didn’t like the low tremors that ran through him or the terrible heat emanating off his skin, which was strange since she herself was freezing. She pushed in closer against him, reveling in his warmth, even as she hoped to cool his fever down with the coldness of her body. His chest was firm and wide, stomach tight, and his heavy arm felt nice around her. ‘Twas pragmatism, she told herself. He needed cooling and she needed warmth. And if she happened to enjoy being so close to him, what harm was there in that?
“Come away, ‘tis not far.” Squeezed beneath his arm, their shoulders both bumped into the earthen walls on each side, even as Roque leaned farther in against her.
Alex walked closely behind them, bringing the bag. “Let me take him.” He was practically on top of her, ready to catch Roque up should he suddenly give out.
“In a moment.” The aid would be appreciated, even though she was loathe to give up his warmth. Each faltered step, Roque leaned more heavily into her. She was barely managing beneath his weight as ‘twas. “A few more steps and the tunnel widens. The way out is not far beyond that.”
She stepped on the bottom of her dragging gown and stumbled, jarring her shoulder into the wall.
Alex caught her from behind, while Roque shifted his weight away from her.
“Ma’am?” Alex kept her steady.
“I’m fine. The water’s dragging these skirts down.”
“You need use of your hands to hold up your dress,” Roque said. “I’ve got if from here.”
Pushing off the wall, he began walking.
Edeen frowned at his retreating back. “He’s a bit of stubbornness to him, has he not?”
A grin coated Alex’s voice. “You have no idea.”
They followed Roque, the beam from Alex’s curious little light bounced along the uneven walls as he