lip into my mouth just as the loud clang of the door makes us jump apart. I spin around to see Corbin, pack of smokes in hand, his eyes wide.
"Sorry, man, I didn't know you were out here," he says and Garett just smirks and adjusts himself in his pants. It's a look of smug satisfaction and it’s the cockiest thing Garett's done all night. For some strange reason through my drunken haze, it completely turns me on. I've never had a one-night stand before, and I think it's time for another first.
Trying to act way more confident than I feel, I smile at Corbin, taking Garett's hand. "Don't worry about it. We were just leaving anyway."
Corbin's eyes widen in surprise with a strange flash of some emotion I can't place. Spinning on my heel I walk away, not knowing where I'm even going, dragging Garett behind me.
After the darkness swallows us up, Garett starts to laugh and tugs on my arm so that I have to turn to look at him. I stumble a bit before crashing into him.
"Easy, Sophia. What's the rush?" He cups my cheek and kisses me. The softness of his mouth, but the hardness of the kiss makes me almost frantic for him.
"I need to do something crazy," I say into his mouth, grabbing at his shirt and pushing my hands up his stomach and chest. He smiles against my lips.
"What did you have in mind?"
I grab onto the waist of his pants and yank him into the dark alley, pressing my back up against the wall. I rip at his belt, unbuttoning his jeans and watch his face turn serious as I slide my hand inside.
“Where’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?” I ask, feeling completely charged. Completely overwhelmed. Completely crazy.
Garett bites down on his lip as I stroke him and shakes his head. “Given the circumstances I feel like that’s a trick question,” he breathes out, bracing himself on the wall behind me. “You first.”
I pull my hand from his pants and let the alcohol fuel my courage. “Right here, right now, with a guy I don’t even know.”
Thank God he’s a typical guy who carries a condom with him everywhere; otherwise my new-found inner sex vixen would be sorely disappointed. It takes no convincing for him to bunch my skirt up over my hips, slide my panties to the side and pin me to the wall like I ask him to. It’s fast and hard, like I said I wanted. I hold around his neck while he grips my thighs. I take in the sound of heavy breathing, the feel of him in me and against me, the pulsing heat of my desperate desire. But not for him. For something else. I let the fantasy of it take me over and for a little while it feels exactly how I thought it would. Forbidden. Dangerous. Sexy.
But deep down something’s off. Fake. This isn’t me. As good as it feels to be bad, it doesn’t feel like me.
When we finish, Garett lowers my legs and kisses me while pushing down my skirt and straightening it for me. His kindness drives a spike of guilt straight through me.
What am I doing?
Chapter Four
All around me there are frantic screams, and blaring sirens, but they sound faint and muffled, like they come from under the water. The sound ebbs and flows, growing in intensity, getting clearer and clearer until I finally have to open my eyes.
My lungs are forced full of air, as the taste of algae rips along my tongue. Hovering over the top of me is a woman with scared brown eyes. Her hands press against my chest and pain ripples across my body. Another burst of air and the screams that once surrounded me are now coming from me. The woman holds me down until I see two other people hovering above her. I scream and scream, tasting dirt and slime. I choke out the shrill sound of my voice through the water bubbling in my throat. The vibration of fear trembles through my body, but I can’t place why. I can only scream.
And it’s a name. Over and over. One name.
His name.
My room is still dark when I sit straight up in bed. The pain in my head forces me to lie back down,