sword, to be sure . But a queen does not play around with such things .
But instead of putting it back, she grabbed a second sword with her free hand. She twirled them in a slow circle, and then crossed the blades in front of her face with a faint clink. A queen should display proper etiquette. She must follow social protocol no matter the situation. But unfortunately, we are not living in normal times . She lowered herself into a crouch, one leg stretched out to the side and both blades pointed forward. The rules of proper etiquette no longer apply .
The room seemed too dark before her eyes. Her mind wandered backward in time, to a place she had nearly forgotten about, a time when minor decisions didn’t have the potential to affect the lives of thousands. A time when the only lives she ever worried about were her own, and the poor soul on the wrong end of her blade. I now understand why so many choose to lead a life of darkness. Leading a life of virtue will push one into an early grave. Killing...well, killing is easy. Taking a life is far easier than saving one.
The re came the familiar sound of steel grinding steel while she slowly rubbed the blades together. How long had it been now? A year? A decade? The grinding blades clanged together, twirled twice around each wrist, then came to rest on the carpet as she knelt down low. At this moment, no heavy burdens hung around her neck. There would be zero accountability for anything that happened here. Ilirra Marosia, beloved Queen of Taron? No...not tonight. Her green eyes squinted against light that wasn’t there as memories of her former life began to surface. The hunter stirred within, the enforcer who had never turned her back on justice. The assassin was awake.
Her finely tuned body exploded into movement. The air whooshed as her blades began to dance in circles. Her form was perfect, transitioning smoothly from one kata to another. Steel flashed above her head, then side to side. Each sword moved in perfect harmony with the other as the dance progressed and accelerated. It was a dance that hadn’t been performed in years, yet her muscles knew exactly what to do.
She lost hersel f in the dance, arms pumping, her body twisting. Although blazing fast, the movements appeared slow and fluid. Effortlessly, the forms flowed like water. Her footwork was light and graceful like a dancer’s; her heels never touched the ground while she bounced back and forth on the balls of her feet. Sweat began to run down her front and back, further dampening her nightgown. The wet fabric clung to her body as she flowed like a river. Ilirra’s mind was a thousand miles away.
Her body moving on its own, s he twirled into a spinning heel kick while slashing her blades outward. The fast-moving weapons clanged loudly against something solid. The sudden impact and vibration forced her eyes open, only now realizing they had been closed. Her mind snapped back to the present, the twirling dance of blades ending abruptly.
There she stood, speechless, as the dark eyes of a hawk bore into her, her twin blades locked against his long sword. Her mouth worked wordlessly, eyes wide with shock. Few men could have sneaked up on her unnoticed. Was he even sneaking, or did he always move silently like a shadow?
“ I see your skills remain sharp after all these years,” said Azek. As usual, his hard, chiseled face held all the emotion of a tree. Even standing there in his small clothes, wearing no armor or medals, the blademaster’s confidence was evident. His presence seemed to fill the room regardless of his attire.
“I–I was just– I mean,” Ilirra stammered, rattled by the sudden intrusion. How long had he been standing there? Beads of sweat ran from her temples. Her chest heaved in and out breathlessly. I’m the queen. I don’t have to explain myself to him .
“If your intent is to kill me, best get on with it,” Azek said, raising an eyebrow. A rare but unmistakable touch of humor