The Storm (The Storm #4)
the breakfast bar, nursing a lukewarm cup of coffee, pretending to read some papers that Stuart sent over yesterday for a new band we’re signing. The TV is on low in the background, filling the silence.
    Tru is cleaning. She’s been at it since first thing this morning. There’s no need for her to clean because we have a cleaner, but I know she’s doing it to keep busy. So far, she’s emptied the cupboards out and cleaned them. Then, she cleaned the fridge. Now, she’s wiping down surfaces and cupboard doors.
    I think she’s running out of things to clean.
    I’m just hoping this fucking call comes in soon.
    I get up from my stool and take my coffee to the sink. After pouring it out, I rinse the cup and put it in the dishwasher.
    Then, I walk over to Tru. I turn her around, pull her close, and wrap my arms around her. She sinks into my body, her arms coming around my waist.
    I press my lips to the top of her head. “It’s going to be okay,” I say softly.
    She releases a breath against my chest and gently nods her head.
    My cell starts to ring on the breakfast bar. Tru’s body tenses in my arms. She lifts her head and stares up at me.
    This is it.
    I can see the fear in her eyes, and it elevates my own.
    I’m sure that Storm isn’t mine. But Tru’s worries make my own heighten.
    I kiss her forehead. Then, I walk over to the breakfast bar and pick up my cell, glancing at the screen.
    “It’s my lawyer,” I tell Tru.
    My heart sets off beating like a motherfucker, and my hand trembles. I can feel myself starting to waver.
    I turn to her. “Tru…”
    She meets my stare, hers steely with determination and looking a hell of a lot stronger than they did a moment ago.
    But that’s Tru. When I can’t be strong, she is for the both of us.
    “We’ll be fine, Jake,” she tells me. “Just answer the call.”
    My chest lifts on a breath.
    Taking a step back, I let my ass hit a breakfast stool as I connect the call, putting my cell to my ear. “Jerry.”
    Tru comes and sits on the stool beside mine. I turn in my seat to face her, and I take her hand in mine.
    “Jake, hi. Look, I won’t beat around the bush, as I know how important this is to you and Tru. Storm…he isn’t yours.”
    I blow out an audible breath, all tension dropping from my body. “I knew it.”
    From my response, Tru knows the result. I see the relief spread from her eyes to across her face.
    I bring her hand to my mouth, and I kiss it.
    The next thought in my mind is, Is he Jonny’s?
    I know Jerry won’t know the answer to that question, so I don’t bother asking.
    “Thanks, Jerry. I appreciate you calling.”
    I hang up my cell, dropping it back on the counter.
    A second later, Tru has her arms around me, her face buried in my neck. I can feel her relief rolling off of her in waves. I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight.
    “He’s not mine,” I say the words out loud. It’s like I’m taking my first breath in days.
    She squeezes me tighter. I hold her harder.
    “I’m sorry I put you through this,” I say, pressing a kiss to her hair.
    She moves back a touch, staring into my eyes. “You didn’t put me through this, Jake. It wasn’t something you knowingly did. It was your past that came back to try to hurt us. I accepted your past and that possibility a long time ago, Jake. You have nothing to be sorry for.” She brushes her fingers over my cheek. “I know how hard these last few days have been on you. And I’m proud of you and how strong you’ve been.”
    I know what she’s saying. She’s proud of me because I didn’t fall back on old habits to get me through this.
    I never would have. I have too much to lose.
    “I smoked,” I tell her. “A lot.” More than she knows about.
    “What’s a lot?”
    “Two cartons.” I grimace.
    The corner of her lip lifts. “I can see past the cigarettes—so long as they’re not a permanent fixture.”
    “They’re not, but I might need some nicotine patches for the next
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